Free Stories

J'aime m'habiller. J'aime beaucoup me déguiser en femme. Cela dit, je suis un homme mais pas gay. J'adore le travestissement. Je fais du travestissement depuis des années et ma garde-robe s'est considérablement développée au cours de cette période. Le sentiment tabou de porter des vêtements fé... Read full Story
A Series of Perverse Dreams, Part 2
Three or four days had passed since my torrid alley way dream. Hannah had recently come over to share a few glasses of wine and a steamy fuck session in the shower. She had definitely embraced the ways of edging I had shown her because when she came in my mouth I could barely contain the massive amo... Read full Story
It was my best friend who dragged to this little club downtown promising something I had never seen before. It turned out to be a little strip club. We found a seat right in front of the stage and we watched strippers of various shapes, sizes, and ages perform with a bored mechincalness. "And ... Read full Story
Ladyboy orgy in Thailand
During one of my many nights in the sleaze capital of the world Pattaya, Thailand I was at a certain ladyboy bar all dressed up in my sexiest outfit that the "girls" had ask me to wear in as I had shown them some pics of me dressed. Not that I could ever hope to compete with any of them! ... Read full Story
Shemale on Shemale
We were in the back of a taxi, our tongues deep in each other's mouths, tasting and sucking and swirling. My hand slowly moved up her perfectly toned thigh and under her skirt. I lightly caressed her half hard cock through her thong, barely touching her, just tenderly stroking with my fingertips. Sh... Read full Story
First Time Having Sex With A Shemale
Ok let's begin so I was walking down the street going to the store one day I saw a woman and her daughter moving into a house they had some heavy boxes that they need help with. At first I thought she was white girl but when I got closer to them they we're Asian becuase i only saw the back and they ... Read full Story
Xmas pet
I never got anything from my father for xmas or bday since I started leaning toward my feminine side. I knew something is strange when I got up on xmas morning and saw some presents. He does buy me clothes he sometimes wants me to wear at home but that's never a gift - more like a strange punishment... Read full Story
My black fetish
It all started when the boys in class started calling me what if I liked panties and nylons and bras who cared....when mum and dad were at work...I would wear mum’s heels and tights and her double D bra...I was tiny and had long blond curly hair and just the beginning of an o so lar... Read full Story
The Truckers Reststop
I had to work yesterday, it was Saturday,I had made plans to spend the day being the slutty little whore for the whole day, but work got in the way. I came home felt tried so I soaked in the tub, shaving my legs and puss yass and gurly clit. The weather was bad all day, when I finally decided to Fem... Read full Story
A story about a mysterious change and how it changed the life of two people forever. The sunlight practically burned my eyes as I slowly woke up. I blinked several times and closed them again for a moment. I felt like crap, way worse than I should have. Last night the guys and I had gone to the bar... Read full Story
The New Boss
My name is Jacklyn. I am 27 years old and was just promoted to Vice President of BB last week. I'm not a stunner but I have an okay body with a nice shape to it. I begin working here when I turned 20 and found it to be relaxing. However what everyone called the "Upstairs Crew" were very qu... Read full Story
Unexpected pleasure I was at a place in my life where I was done with the whole dating thing. All I did was work and hang out with friends. When a guy came my way to talk to me, I would brush him off quickly and rudely. I had a friend named Alexis. I would say she is one of the most beautiful wo... Read full Story
I had known Stacy for about three years, but I had never known about her little secret. That day when it was revealed changed everything for me, and for Stacy too. We were the greatest of friends, spending almost all our time together. We had come as close to each other as lovers but as two women, n... Read full Story
Sex with shemale and a girl
As a female, I'd never considered having sex with a shemale in my life. I mean, why would I want to be with a chick with a dick when I could be with a guy? Then, on a trip to Brazil, everything changed. I was in a club with my friends when that night's entertainment took the stage. She was one of th... Read full Story
Always Wanted A Shemale
I always wondered what it would be like to be with a girl with a dick. After spending years on the internet having internet sex, I finally found a black shemale. After hours of talking about how big her cock was and size double D tits, she finally agreed to meet with me for some fun. We met at th... Read full Story
Becoming the girl i really am....
I guess I'll start from the beginning, I was in my early teens and my parents had friends in town who we did everything with, travelling, camping, holidays, the works. They had a daughter who was a couple years older, and a son who was my age who was pretty much my best friend. We started masturb... Read full Story
A night out with my sister
Following in from Shopping with my sister - Please read my other stories first to set the scene. Jane and I lie embracing on her bed, our naked bodies merging into one as we hold each other closely. "What do you want to do tonight?" I ask "I was thinking we could have a night... Read full Story
First work day!
Having just graduated from college in Miami I took up fashion as a career! Impressed? In fact, I managed to land a job as a clerk in ready-made clothes shop. Sounds not as impressive as I’d like to have but that is just a beginning. You think there are no other interesting places in the whole ... Read full Story
Morning Routine at the Mansion of My Misstress
My eyes open with the gentle humming of my small alarm clock. I quickly shut it off so as not to disturb anyone else in the room. Its 4:30am, well before light creeps into the day and the room is now pitch black. Very quietly I rise up on my hands and knees and crawl off of the small doggy bed on th... Read full Story
Have you ever been stuck in a lift with a pretty chick who later turns out to be a shemale? Well, it’s going to be a nice time, I assure you! Today was fucking damn day! It’s been one of ugliest days in my life. My company sent me, as a representative to take part in some high level f... Read full Story
My Girl Friend and A Shemale
I walk up to the door of my girlfriend’s apartment. As I start to slide the key into the lock, I can hear slight muffled noises from inside. As the door slowly opens, I am met by the sight of my girlfriend laying with her legs spread wide open on the couch and her super sexy friend Shayla, w... Read full Story
Two hot CD lesbian sluts share an intimate moment
Her name was Kelly, we had met online in one of the gay chat rooms I like to frequent and for the next couple of weeks we had developed a friendship, exchanged pics and fantasies and I was really, really into her. we had a lot in common, more than just the mere fact that we were both gay CD’s ... Read full Story
Bar Hopping with my sisters
My two older sisters asked me to go to the bar with them which is always cool considering i am Transexual and they are not, course i always felt the reason they always asked me to go with them is because i had a way of drawing men to our table like bears to honey ha ha ha.(not that i think i'm all t... Read full Story
The radio was loud and the top was down when I first saw her. She looked so beautiful sitting there at the bus stop.I remember her legs, they were long and tan and clad in silky smooth thigh highs. Her skirt shifted when she crossed her legs and I could see the garters clinging to her tan skin. S... Read full Story
Tranny Gas Station Attendant
This happened about ten years ago and I thought I'd share it with you all for your enjoyment and mine! Like I've said before, although I'm bi-sexual, I don't walk around checking out other guys, nor do I like to be intimate with one. Sure, some might consider taking a cock in the mouth or ass intima... Read full Story
My first shemale encounter
I remember the first time I found myself in bed with a shemale. I had just broken up with my girlfriend. I was lonely, I was horny, and I had zero intention of finding myself in another relationship with a woman. When I told my buddy, Bob, he told me he knew just where to take me to solve this. So ... Read full Story
Hello guys! This is a real story about me getting fucked in front of my best friend! BTW, my best friend is a lesbian! The other night me and Chrissy were sitting around my apartment online chatting on Yahoo with my cam on. she would go to girl groups and chat and I had logged onto squirt. we we'... Read full Story
My Sister's First Bra
When I was growing up, I was very close to my mother and my sister. My Dad had skipped out on us when I was two. I really don't remember him at all, and to this day i don't ever want to see him again. It was only natural thatI did "girly" things instead of playing ball with the boys. I did... Read full Story
Lucky Afternoon
For the past few years I have had this urge to have sex with a man. After finding Xhamster The urge has gotten to the point where I was going to have to do something about it. I found a guy on this site who told me what to watch out for and the best places to meet someone. I do not like going to bar... Read full Story
Two girl adventure
It was a dark night as I strolled into the main street bar. I was 21, had been having hard luck with the ladies, and was looking to drown my sorrows in a couple brews. That's when I saw her. She was simply a knockout. She was about 5'8", blonde hair, blue eyes, and a smoking body. She was weari... Read full Story
New neighbors
I noticed something different about the new girl moving into the apartment across from mine. She was a stone fox, but I could tell that she was a shemale. A gorgeous shemale, but definitely a shemale. I decided to play dumb as I eagerly helped her carry her belongings into her apartment. It was a ho... Read full Story
A Halloween Hoodie story
This is the story of my first time going out dressed; it was halloween last year (2009). I figured i'd have less to worry about walking around dressed in a gothic tartan corset, spider-web mini-skirt, fencenet tights and about 10 armbands and bangles. It wasn't exactly brilliant but it was the excit... Read full Story
You Just Never Know... ya know?
I was out on the road, On my way to Montreal at the end of my stint behind the wheel. I pulled into a roadside rest area, or lay-by... or in this case a 'pickle park', a cruising area for local and tranient gay and bi-men looking for a quick NSA hook-up. Hell, so was I. I was all nice and clean f... Read full Story
My transformation
is fiction It is strange where one’s desires can lead one. Take me as an example. Always entirely enamored of, infatuated with and completely submissive to all things feminine, a true devotee of Female Supremacy, my lifelong fantasy has always, since before I can remember, been to find a ... Read full Story
The switch
HI have been married for 12 years now. Trim and dapper, this 35-year-old's marriage was satisfactory enough and I played the role of husband well. Sex with the wife was still good, with both making out at least once a week or on rare occasions, once monthly. Twelve years on in this heterosexual rela... Read full Story
Porn shop slut
I walked into the booth excited to use my new toy, while dressed in garters and sexy panties under my loose fitting jeans. I had just purchased a lovely new butt plug and could not wait to try it out on my pretend pussy. Taking my jeans down I deposited a token into the slot and got out my lube and... Read full Story
A Trip to the Beach
I had known Stacy for about three years, but I had never known about her little secret. That day when it was revealed changed everything for me, and for Stacy too. We were the greatest of friends, spending almost all our time together. We had come as close to each other as lovers but as two women, n... Read full Story
When I realized I was Bye and gay
I was a late bloomer I got married had kids bought a home had all the things to make a happy home but I was restless i needed something else. I was going out with other women about once a week and it was fun and sometimes very hot i even had a few three somes but I always felt I needed something ... Read full Story
How I Became a 'SHAMAN
Every one is programed by society to play a certian role in life,that they are taught is reality,how ever, the truth is reality is what ever you want to make it! this is what magic is all about,making your own reality. I played the manly role in life for fourty-four years until I realized this,and b... Read full Story
Caught in the act
After my first encounter with John’s dick, I couldn’t get it out of my mind. Two weeks later we met at a friend’s party and we talked about it. He was worried his girl friend might find out. I told him he had noting to worry about as I had as much to lose as he had. But I also said... Read full Story
The Picnic
Going for a picnic was not my idea of fun. I was not a miserable person and liked being outdoors but the idea of eating on the ground where there would be ants and flies and thing like that did not fill me with joy. However, my boyfriend had promised me that it would be fun and so I took his word fo... Read full Story
My amazing Filipina girl
Today's post is not a usual ladyboy sex story that we all got used to, but something more romantic, down-to-earth and non-porn. Thanks British Buy for sharing this story and being so brave in making your fantasies real and finding your true love. I wasn't looking when I found her. I wasn't reall... Read full Story
I will go back there!
Gotta thank our reader Amanda for this lovely ladyboy sex story. As an openly gay women I had heard so much about Katoeys in Thailand and that they were affectionate and prepared to do most things. I have to go to Bangkok on a marketing junket so decide to test the waters. The first bar I walked ... Read full Story
Two ladyboys blow their seaman
Yargh! Today, my horny readers, i want to tell you a sex story about a rough sailor that accidentally got turned into a shecock lover by two sexy Filipina ladyboys. All this time he thought he was screwing two beautiful GGs when he suddenly felt something stretching his virgin anus. Enjoy this love... Read full Story
In the deep woods
Our forum star, Fran, wrote another little story for all of us and, although it doesn't boast any hardcore action, it's still very delightful. In the course of my job some years ago, it often took me into the deep woods. One day I was off in the foothills and thought I would be by myself so I was... Read full Story
The House
I knew that the only reason I was going in to the Big Brother house was because I was a shemale. I did not really mind that was the reason as it meant that I could still appear in my favourite TV show. I did not want to become a star, like many of the contestants did but it would be nice, just to se... Read full Story
3 tgirl story
Kristin made sure everything was ready. Her parents were out of town, and said she could have 2 friends over. She decided on her best friends Taylor and Siera. She also planned on showing them that she was, in fact, a shemale. The 2 arrived around 630 to 7. Her cock grew hard when she looked at them... Read full Story
Ladyboy Fuck Show
Thai Kathoey Ladyboy Fuck Show in Patpong So last night my TG girlfriend and I went to Bangkok's Patpong prostitutions zone to see a fuck show. Instead of the "normal" sex show with old women shooting darts out of their twats, we asked the touts to take us to a ladyboy fucking show. ... Read full Story
Deep Throating Shemale
Yvonne is one of my best friends and we do more than just hang out at the local nightclub. She has long wavy black hair and dark violet eyes. Like me, she is also a pre-op transsexual, which means she has breasts and a penis. In the few years that we have known each other, she has taught me a lot ab... Read full Story
Extra credit for me
After failing my mid-term exam my day was ruined. I headed back to the dorm crying. Through lunch my friend consoled me and suggested I make an appointment with my professor for extra credit. I called the office of Dr. Writt and was told to show up at 2:00 sharp. At 2:00 I knocked on the office d... Read full Story
Tranny Lisa's first sexual experience
My name is Lisa, I am a 25 year old well hung little lady. Looking at me you would never believe with my perfect girlie body what I have in store for you. The things that I can do and teach you would blow the mind of the most advanced sex addict. Run your hand down feeling my feminine curves, a litt... Read full Story
Jog In the park
After a jog in the park, I retired to a park bench to catch my breath. It wasn't my breath that was caught though. This hot blonde with big tits run by and showed me her tits as she passed. My cock immediately rose to the occasion. I jumped up and ran after her. As she looked behind she yelled, catc... Read full Story
The Performance
Aileen was quite a lonely girl. As a shemale, she had always found relationships very difficult and often didn't go out of her way to meet new people because she either felt she wanted to hide who she was or they were put off knowing her when they found out. She chatted to a few people on line ab... Read full Story
Car sex with a shemale at the local drive in
I know for sure many guys are fascinated about fucking a shemale in a car. Well, this is what the story is about. The guy rammed shemale ass at the drive in. Happy reading! I pulled in with my radio up and saw the most beautiful girl walking right in front of my car. Her legs were long and brown ... Read full Story
How Macho became a shemale lover
I was 19 when I first got with a T-girl. Back then i was the macho man, easy to call someone a faggot, or something similar. Then one day at a club i saw this gorgeous women. I couldn't believe it. I was very surprised to see that she was generally being avoided. When i asked my friend he told me it... Read full Story
Got dominated by 2 shemales on the last day in Thailand
I took a trip to Thailand when i was 25. I told my friends I wanted to go alone so I could clear my head. The real reason was that I wanted so see some shemales. When I first arrived I spent a day looking at every club I could find in search of a good Shemale. It was nearly a week and I couldn't ... Read full Story