Free Stories

How I Became a 'SHAMAN
Every one is programed by society to play a certian role in life,that they are taught is reality,how ever, the truth is reality is what ever you want to make it! this is what magic is all about,making your own reality. I played the manly role in life for fourty-four years until I realized this,and b... Read full Story
Caught in the act
After my first encounter with John’s dick, I couldn’t get it out of my mind. Two weeks later we met at a friend’s party and we talked about it. He was worried his girl friend might find out. I told him he had noting to worry about as I had as much to lose as he had. But I also said... Read full Story
The Picnic
Going for a picnic was not my idea of fun. I was not a miserable person and liked being outdoors but the idea of eating on the ground where there would be ants and flies and thing like that did not fill me with joy. However, my boyfriend had promised me that it would be fun and so I took his word fo... Read full Story
My amazing Filipina girl
Today's post is not a usual ladyboy sex story that we all got used to, but something more romantic, down-to-earth and non-porn. Thanks British Buy for sharing this story and being so brave in making your fantasies real and finding your true love. I wasn't looking when I found her. I wasn't reall... Read full Story
I will go back there!
Gotta thank our reader Amanda for this lovely ladyboy sex story. As an openly gay women I had heard so much about Katoeys in Thailand and that they were affectionate and prepared to do most things. I have to go to Bangkok on a marketing junket so decide to test the waters. The first bar I walked ... Read full Story
Two ladyboys blow their seaman
Yargh! Today, my horny readers, i want to tell you a sex story about a rough sailor that accidentally got turned into a shecock lover by two sexy Filipina ladyboys. All this time he thought he was screwing two beautiful GGs when he suddenly felt something stretching his virgin anus. Enjoy this love... Read full Story
In the deep woods
Our forum star, Fran, wrote another little story for all of us and, although it doesn't boast any hardcore action, it's still very delightful. In the course of my job some years ago, it often took me into the deep woods. One day I was off in the foothills and thought I would be by myself so I was... Read full Story
The House
I knew that the only reason I was going in to the Big Brother house was because I was a shemale. I did not really mind that was the reason as it meant that I could still appear in my favourite TV show. I did not want to become a star, like many of the contestants did but it would be nice, just to se... Read full Story
3 tgirl story
Kristin made sure everything was ready. Her parents were out of town, and said she could have 2 friends over. She decided on her best friends Taylor and Siera. She also planned on showing them that she was, in fact, a shemale. The 2 arrived around 630 to 7. Her cock grew hard when she looked at them... Read full Story
Ladyboy Fuck Show
Thai Kathoey Ladyboy Fuck Show in Patpong So last night my TG girlfriend and I went to Bangkok's Patpong prostitutions zone to see a fuck show. Instead of the "normal" sex show with old women shooting darts out of their twats, we asked the touts to take us to a ladyboy fucking show. ... Read full Story
Deep Throating Shemale
Yvonne is one of my best friends and we do more than just hang out at the local nightclub. She has long wavy black hair and dark violet eyes. Like me, she is also a pre-op transsexual, which means she has breasts and a penis. In the few years that we have known each other, she has taught me a lot ab... Read full Story
Extra credit for me
After failing my mid-term exam my day was ruined. I headed back to the dorm crying. Through lunch my friend consoled me and suggested I make an appointment with my professor for extra credit. I called the office of Dr. Writt and was told to show up at 2:00 sharp. At 2:00 I knocked on the office d... Read full Story
Tranny Lisa's first sexual experience
My name is Lisa, I am a 25 year old well hung little lady. Looking at me you would never believe with my perfect girlie body what I have in store for you. The things that I can do and teach you would blow the mind of the most advanced sex addict. Run your hand down feeling my feminine curves, a litt... Read full Story
Jog In the park
After a jog in the park, I retired to a park bench to catch my breath. It wasn't my breath that was caught though. This hot blonde with big tits run by and showed me her tits as she passed. My cock immediately rose to the occasion. I jumped up and ran after her. As she looked behind she yelled, catc... Read full Story
The Performance
Aileen was quite a lonely girl. As a shemale, she had always found relationships very difficult and often didn't go out of her way to meet new people because she either felt she wanted to hide who she was or they were put off knowing her when they found out. She chatted to a few people on line ab... Read full Story
Car sex with a shemale at the local drive in
I know for sure many guys are fascinated about fucking a shemale in a car. Well, this is what the story is about. The guy rammed shemale ass at the drive in. Happy reading! I pulled in with my radio up and saw the most beautiful girl walking right in front of my car. Her legs were long and brown ... Read full Story
How Macho became a shemale lover
I was 19 when I first got with a T-girl. Back then i was the macho man, easy to call someone a faggot, or something similar. Then one day at a club i saw this gorgeous women. I couldn't believe it. I was very surprised to see that she was generally being avoided. When i asked my friend he told me it... Read full Story
Got dominated by 2 shemales on the last day in Thailand
I took a trip to Thailand when i was 25. I told my friends I wanted to go alone so I could clear my head. The real reason was that I wanted so see some shemales. When I first arrived I spent a day looking at every club I could find in search of a good Shemale. It was nearly a week and I couldn't ... Read full Story
Most stunning woman
My first experience with a shemale came about after a gay guy I knew introduced me to a friend of his who was this gorgeous creature. She had long black hair, perfect breasts a great ass and legs to die for. The fact she was wearing a figure hugging black dress and black pantyhose just got me as hor... Read full Story
Natalie - Sydney tgirl
On a recommendation by a friend, I went to see Natalie, a tgirl in Sydney, advertising in online classifieds to meet up with generous men ;) I called Natalie and made a time to see her at her apartment and got her address. When I knocked, Natalie answered the door in her bikini and I could see st... Read full Story
Suffered for years
I am one of those guys that have suffered for years, 29 now, I have fantasized about shemales since I was about 15, wouldnt dare come out in school, got a blue collar "macho" job, met a woman at 21 fell in love, (i am very straight yet extremely bi-curious) got married, have a step son, lo... Read full Story
Revenge of the Tranny Club
Yasmin growled as she read the review website. After opening up her own nightclub recently, popular hotspot critic Norman L. posted a negative review of the club on a popular review site. "Boring club, bad music, too many guys," it said, "Seems to be full of trannies as well. Not w... Read full Story
Winter Heat
I saw him in the breezeway, the open hall between the apartment buildings. My not-so-new neighbor. Been keeping an eye on him for a couple of months. He has a girlfriend, but nothing committed, and we flirt casually. He’s cute – six-three, so he’s tall, but it’s not string-be... Read full Story
The Peep Show
Alice had been to Amsterdam a few times before and had always had a great time there. As a shemale she often felt uncomfortable in certain places, talking about what she was, but here, everything was much more relaxed and she felt able to be honest with people and she found that she was more accepte... Read full Story
Shemale Love Story - part 1
Let me tell you a story of a shemale and her lover. Some background is required here. My girlfriend (we'll call her Lisa) was at the time about 27 years old and had been single for sometime after a bad experience with a man. She is a stunning girl, and most people would not know she was transsexual ... Read full Story
The Breast Fantasy Come True
As a gay man, Paul had always only been interested in having relationships with men but he loved breasts. There was something about them that he really liked and having a few friends that were female made him even more curious and he asked them questions about them and one of them even let him have ... Read full Story
Big Booty Black Boy Gets cheated on
I have been secretly bi throughout my life. But nobody has known. I have had several girlfriends and all. One physical trait that I developed at the age of 18 was a big booty. It grew so much that I couldn't hide it much. One time I went to the gym with tight clothes and my curves were obvious. A lo... Read full Story
TV loving cock
Sorry I didn't keep you posted on Saturday night, but I was sorta busy being my usual slutty self. Story to follow: I talked to a guy on megaphone. He works as a night security guard at a big office building on the edge of town. He is there all by himself in this huge, mostly vacant building, in ... Read full Story
Perfect combination
Mary had always preferred to go out with girls rather than men. She found girls were more gentle and kind and loving which is what she liked from a relationship. She found that men tended to treat her badly and did not satisfy her in bed either. She was not in a relationship at the moment though, ha... Read full Story
Black Shemale Tube
It was truly a unique experience. One day I was very bored, and I was browsing through the Black Shemale Tube, and that's where I have found her. Sheila was a stunning Black girl, very tall and skinny! She had a killer body, the cutest little butt and small, firm titties. Since the moment we met thr... Read full Story
Sexy Masturbation In Free Shemale Chat Rooms
Having had a long day at work and driving home enjoying the wonderful early fall sunset, I was starting to be kind of romantic… Maybe not that romantic, but I felt like having a nice girl next to me to cuddle and scoop with. The more I was thinking about cuddling and scooping, the needier I w... Read full Story
Making Shemale Vanity Tube Your Homepage Is A Great Idea!
It all started as a joke. My roommates at the time pulled a prank on me and made Shemale Vanity Tube my homepage. You see, I was about to hook up with this chick one night so they sneaked inside my room before we got there and made that change. Once I turned on my screen in search for some sexy musi... Read full Story
The Hottest Shag With Naughty Sheena!
I was home one night, feeling kind of down and lonely and that is why I started browsing the dating sites. I wasn't really serious about it, I just needed something to occupy my mind. I came across of free shemale chat and thought to myself that it might be fun. I started chatting with a really stun... Read full Story
My Shemale Webcam Tube Date With A Sexy Shemale
I was rushing back home from work because I was suppose to have a date via shemale webcam tube with the sexiest shemale I had ever seen. We met few nights ago and I could just feel the chemistry between us getting stronger. I entered my place, dropped my things on the sofa and turned on the lap-top.... Read full Story
How I became a gurl
So how did you become a gurl? That's the question almost everyone I meet or chat with asks me... how did you become such a sexy transvestite, when did you figure it out, when did you learn you liked cock. I actually love the question, because it turns me on to answer it. When I was 15 or 16... Read full Story
She Male Sex Stories
I Lived Just Like Characters From She Male Sex StoriesWalking the streets as a true shemale lady is not always easy. People have prejudice although, at the same time, you can see that those same people would fuck you in a second if they knew that nobody would find out. Something similar happened w... Read full Story
She Male 3gp Option On The Lost Phone Gave Me A Threesome
I was in the park just walking around and trying to clear my mind. I was stressed out last few days and I needed something that will relax me. I set on the bench and started thinking about my problems. Two girls passed right next to me and one of them was looking for something in her purse. When ... Read full Story
All The Transexual Stories Came To Life
I’ve spent my adolescent years reading the transexual stories whenever I could. I had a long process of self analysis trying to figure out if I were gay or not, so I wanted to find a shemale who could be my first and see if I even like being fucked or sucking a dick. Thanks to the sex personal... Read full Story
Shemale Masturbation Tube Just For Me
I was just coming back from the gym - damn, lights on the parking lot were flickering again - when I heard this noise. I ran and saw a shady looking guy pointing a knife at a woman trying to unlock her car. "Hey", I yelled, "I'm calling the cops and a dozen big dudes are going to be h... Read full Story
Experience The Best From Thailand On Thai Shemale Tube
The chances are that you have probably seen "The Hangover 2", but thought that the shemale scene can happen only in twisted imaginations of Hollywood screenwriters. I am here to prove you wrong. If you don't believe me, go to Thai Shemale Tube and see it for yourselves. My best friend J... Read full Story
Super Shemale Tube At The Waiting Line
The restaurant was crowded - everyone in Boston wanted to be there, and I waited for an hour at the bar, hoping to get a table for one. But was I watched my chances of having dinner crumble to dust and glanced at Super Shemale Tube on my phone's browser, a girl sitting next to me asked "Hey, yo... Read full Story
She Seemed To Love Shemale Video Chat
The wife and I have a really nice sex life. It’s all fine, although I’ve told her a couple of times that I’d love it if she could try and improve her ‘oral’ skills, if you get me. She didn’t seem to mind my comment and I can tell you that she really tried to work ... Read full Story
Shemale Free Chat And Sex Adventures
It was another day at work at the mall. Being a security guard wasn't exactly the most exciting job in the world: I'd sit all and maybe get a few calls about some punk kids trying to steal DVDs. I felt like my talents were wasted there - I used to be a competitive bodybuilder, evening getting into f... Read full Story
Who's on the Couch Now?
I’d started therapy to help me deal with a small anger problem. As I thought. A few hours of finding out why I was angry, together with a bit of instruction on how to change my thinking, and Bob’s your uncle. Like fuck! She said that could not be done so easily – we would really... Read full Story
Another Transgender Story In Bob’s Life
I got into college right after my surgery. I changed my name into Danna and started my life at college as a ‘real’ girl. I didn’t want to have my transgender story follow me here. Anyway, I kept one picture of me as a boy and held it on my writing desk. I told people that it was... Read full Story
Caught Watching Free Mobile Shemales
I was watching Free Mobile Shemales on my phone browser during my lunch break when the phone rang. Annoyed by the fact that someone is interrupting my free time, I answered angrily "Yes, who is it?". "Wrong number", said a female voice, "Sorry to interrupt you lunch!", ... Read full Story
Nobody Forgets Their First Time With Shemale
Her name was Veronica. She was about 6" tall and her heels were so high it made me dizzy. Actually, together with the fishnet stockings she was wearing, it made me dizzy and horny. It was my first time with she-male and my first time with that kind of service. Veronica knew that was my first... Read full Story
The Hottest Of The Teen Transgender Stories
She was a cheerleader in college and I was…well. Me. I lived one of those transgender stories where I was still stuck in the middle of my transition and I wasn’t a girl anymore, but I wasn’t the guy she needed. She had every single guy in the campus she wanted and I had..well. ... Read full Story
Shemale Porn Photo On The Wall Of Her Room
She was a truly hot shemale that I’ve been seeing for a couple of months now, from time to time. She had some really big tits and a dick that didn’t really get in our way much. It really wasn’t all about the sex. I loved talking and even cuddling with that girl. We talked about ... Read full Story
Free Shemale Dating Site The Place Where I Want To Spend My Life
Browsing through all payed porn services left my wallet thin, so I went for free shemale dating site option. When my boss noticed that I was paying less attention to work and more attention to Shemales, he fired me without any notice. I was hit hard with the economic crisis - the bank sell my hou... Read full Story
Shemale Personals Are Not Necessary For Great Fuck
When I was a little boy, the only thing I dreamed of is to become a little girl. My parents supported me 100% and, as soon as I turned 18, I had a breast surgery. My curves came later, after taking all those hormonal pills. At the age of 20, I wanted to go to the very end and have the surgery, but l... Read full Story
Home Alone With Shemale
I sat alone at my kitchen table. I drank a cup of coffee, smoked a cigarette. I was wondering what to do with my day and then my cellphone rang. It was my girl friend Carla. She asked if it would be okay to stop by, with her new boyfriend. I sensed something in her voice, but I didn’t know ... Read full Story
The Roommate
I’ve been rooming with Bob for two years now. He and I met about 5 years back, while we both worked at the grocery store to get through college. We were good friends from the moment we met. We had similar interests, were both outgoing, good looking, and hated working at the grocery store. ... Read full Story
I was bad
All I could think about that day was disobeying my Master. I was bad and was going to get punished. He had gone away for a couple of weeks on business. I think it was to get a new girl to join our family. But I’m not sure. There’s twelve girls counting me so I guess all of us will hav... Read full Story
Slut Wife
The Main Attraction at Ginger’s In my sex story about going to a swingers club for the first time, The Main Attraction at Ginger’s, I explored what it would be like to watch and have sex in front of total strangers for the first time. Here is an excerpt from the story. If you like i... Read full Story
How I Used To Cum On Shemale Webcam
I like being a shemale and doing webcam shows. A lot of guys out there would never admit it, but they really like my sort - best of both worlds, so to say: tits, asses and cocks in one convenient package. And shemale webcam was also a lot of fun - I could play with myself as much as I liked and dude... Read full Story