Free Stories

My first pre-op story
I started becoming interested in transsexuals a couple years ago, when I ran across some websites where I found some crossdressers attractive. I was 19 at the time. This led me to picking up Transformation magazine, a magazine more for the TG community, but they featured some really got centerfolds ... Read full Story
Got more than he bargained for
This story was written for Trans Ladyboy by Brandi, a hot dominatrix and a phone sex operator. She says guys often call her to share their tranny fantasies with her, one of which would be getting dominated by a tranny, and, you know, she's really good at that! Call her for this phone fantasy (1.99 a... Read full Story
Cast party
My name is Dan, and I have always considered myself an adventurous and open minded person, but my experience was taken to a whole new level in my junior year of college when I got involved in an amateur theatre group. We all got along astoundingly well and I found myself becoming friends with severa... Read full Story
My first experience
I was in a pub with my friends when i noticed a really atractive female sat at the bar, my friends were all leaving and i told them i was going to stay for a while. So i walked up to this girl and asked if i could buy her a drink. She agreed so i bought her this drink and we started talking. later t... Read full Story
Extra credit for me
After failing my mid-term exam my day was ruined. I headed back to the dorm crying. Through lunch my friend consoled me and suggested I make an appointment with my professor for extra credit. I called the office of Dr. Writt and was told to show up at 2:00 sharp. At 2:00 I knocked on the office d... Read full Story
Shemale cum in my pussy
Being a girl and only fucking me, I wondered what it was like to be with another girl. I am attracted to girls but the problem is that I really like the way that a cock makes me feel, especially when it fills my pussy with cum! The bigger the better! While sharing this dilemma with a friend she sugg... Read full Story
In love with Sasha Davidson
A great post by TLover about his passion for hot fat cock of Sasha Davidson. The only question I naturally had on top of my mind after reading this was, who is that Davidson? I never heard of her before. Enjoy reading! I don't fancy men, but i love the idea of being seduced and dominated by a ram... Read full Story
Tranny Lisa's first sexual experience
My name is Lisa, I am a 25 year old well hung little lady. Looking at me you would never believe with my perfect girlie body what I have in store for you. The things that I can do and teach you would blow the mind of the most advanced sex addict. Run your hand down feeling my feminine curves, a litt... Read full Story
A French Maid For Me?
After calling the cleaning service, I really hoped that they would send some hot young cutie to tidy up my pad. When the doorbell rang, I dabbed the last bit of cologne on and headed for the door. Upon opening the door, my heart sank. The most beautiful woman stood at my door in a French maid's u... Read full Story
Jog In the park
After a jog in the park, I retired to a park bench to catch my breath. It wasn't my breath that was caught though. This hot blonde with big tits run by and showed me her tits as she passed. My cock immediately rose to the occasion. I jumped up and ran after her. As she looked behind she yelled, catc... Read full Story
Rain Check
Today was the first real day of autumn weather. I couldn’t hold still. After being cooped up all summer with the heat . . . ugh, I tell you, you folks who don’t live in the South have no idea how oppressive the heat gets. You can’t go outside, can’t play, can’t drive ar... Read full Story
Finally, My First Tranny!!!
I just came out of the doctor's office in downtown Philly from my 3 month check-up. I was pretty horney since my doctor is a female and I had a complete physical so she and her nurse were in the room with me. I got to the train station to go back to Willow Grove and was standing on the platform when... Read full Story
Lesbian adventure with a shemale
My name's Kimmi and I used to be a stripper. Guys liked me because of my long blond hair, slender build, and sense of humor. They also liked my 36C breasts :) I danced at a place on Sunset Blvd in Hollywood. The stage was gorgeous, had a generous runway, and beautiful lights. I loved dancing there, ... Read full Story
My three times with shemales
Hello, I first became attracted to Shemales while watching a girl on girl porn movie. A surprise was there was a sexy girl that dropped her panties and out came a huge cock. I was stunned but really arroused. I then became curious and surfed the net for Shemales. I kept thinking something was wro... Read full Story
A TV in the Shoe Store
I work at a ladies shoe store at a large metropolitan mall. My name is Jillian, though my friends all call me Jilly. Those same friends also say that I am blessed with a beautiful face, and an athletic body! Pretty heady for a 30 year old woman whose ideas of athletics never got beyond sports i... Read full Story
Bike time and BekkaCD
Well it was a warm July evening last year during Muskegon Bike time. I was feeling all warm and fuzzy from the few drinks that i had earlier in the day. I had chose to post a ad on craigslist seeking a couple harley riders that would be into having some fun with a gurl such as myself.Well to my surp... Read full Story
My shemale weekend
I arrived at Chandra's apartment about 2pm. She greeted me at the door wearing a pair of short gym shorts and a tube top. She kissed me and let me in. My cock grew hard immediately and all I did was walked into the apartment. Chandra led me into the livingroom whenre her roommate Jizelle was sitting... Read full Story
Revenge of the Tranny Club
Yasmin growled as she read the review website. After opening up her own nightclub recently, popular hotspot critic Norman L. posted a negative review of the club on a popular review site. "Boring club, bad music, too many guys," it said, "Seems to be full of trannies as well. Not w... Read full Story
Sheila’s Shaft
I first met Sheila a few months ago at a local cafe. She was hard to miss since she was the only six foot tall black woman in the building. I watched her for a little bit to see if anyone was going to join her. I approached her table after the waitress took her order. “Pardon me,” I s... Read full Story
Winter Heat
I saw him in the breezeway, the open hall between the apartment buildings. My not-so-new neighbor. Been keeping an eye on him for a couple of months. He has a girlfriend, but nothing committed, and we flirt casually. He’s cute – six-three, so he’s tall, but it’s not string-be... Read full Story
Breakfast in Bed
I wake up and he already has his cock between my ass cheeks. His face rubs between my shoulder blades, scratchy stubble. His breath is hot, his hands soft as he reaches around to cradle my tits. I come awake slowly, sure I’m still dreaming, but no, he’s there, drowsy with the morning,... Read full Story
Party Girl
Catherine was a fun loving girl and went out clubbing and partying a lot. She always had fun but liked it more when the evening ended up with her having sex with someone. She didn't care who, she liked men and women. She loved breasts and the feeling of another woman pressing against her but also en... Read full Story
The Peep Show
Alice had been to Amsterdam a few times before and had always had a great time there. As a shemale she often felt uncomfortable in certain places, talking about what she was, but here, everything was much more relaxed and she felt able to be honest with people and she found that she was more accepte... Read full Story
Taking On A Surprise
I sat on the couch, and we started kissing again. My hands traced the outline of her nipples through the thin silk of the blouse, and I could feel the lace of her flimsy bra. She leaned back, unbuttoned her blouse, and slid it off.I cupped her breasts, and could feel their warmth and weight. She ... Read full Story
First Time Receiving
Within 30 minutes of small talk, she wanted Tony to fuck her. She had sucked many cocks, but had never been sucked herself.Adrian took Tony back to her apartment. He gently eased toward her on the couch. He put his arm around her shoulder. Adrian felt so excited, and felt her cock hardening.Tony ... Read full Story
His First Tranny
He quietly said "Is it true you have a dick?" I looked directly at him and told him he should put his hands under my skirt and find out.I got hard right away. I love the way my dick feels rubbing against my panties. He put his palm over my panties and starts stroking my dick. His eye... Read full Story
First time public
My First Time In Crowded Place As Cross Dresser about 2 months ago, i got up the courage to go to a crowded public place dressed for the first time i put a post on craigslist saying where i was going and what i was wearing then i drove to shopping center parking lot and dressed up in the car, m... Read full Story
The Hot Girl at the Bar
My girlfriend and I broke up the week before, so I was pretty depressed. The guys at work decided to take me out to the bar after work to get wasted cause that’s what we do. So we all packed into the truck and headed to the bar. When we got there we were the first ones in that night so we sa... Read full Story
Shemale Love Story - part 1
Let me tell you a story of a shemale and her lover. Some background is required here. My girlfriend (we'll call her Lisa) was at the time about 27 years old and had been single for sometime after a bad experience with a man. She is a stunning girl, and most people would not know she was transsexual ... Read full Story
Ladyboy Surprise - Part 2
My jaw hit the floor. Between the legs of these to beautiful girls were 6 inch cocks! I was stunned. Here I am standing naked in a shower with a raging hard on with what I thought were two gorgeous women, and they turn out to have dicks! I didn't know whether to shit or go blind! One of the ladyboys... Read full Story
First time sex with a ladyboy
Ok guys, this is a milestone in my life. I had sex with a ladyboy!!! It was completely amazing, something i have fantasized about for years but never thought i would do! I met her on the internet a while ago and have been chatting to her since. We got on pretty well and she invited me for dinner!... Read full Story
Sensual Ebony - Sexy Transsexual Escort…
Ebony stood before me with her hands on her hips. Her smile was one that I would remember for a long time especially when she explained that she wanted to show me how she could please a man. That man was me. And she wanted turn my fantasy into a reality. She leant forward showing me her firm tits... Read full Story
The Breast Fantasy Come True
As a gay man, Paul had always only been interested in having relationships with men but he loved breasts. There was something about them that he really liked and having a few friends that were female made him even more curious and he asked them questions about them and one of them even let him have ... Read full Story
Shemale Sorceress
The shemale sorceress appeared at the masquerade party wearing a long flowing purple gown that matched the color of her eyes. Her long raven-black hair went down to the middle of her back and she wore purple lipstick that glimmered in the light. In her hand was a straight wooden six foot staff with ... Read full Story
Her First Encounter
Chrissie took him back to her apartment. He sat on her couch and sipped at his drink while easing slowly toward her on the couch. He put his arm around her shoulder; Chrissie felt so excited and felt her cock hardening. He started kissing her and pulled her close.Chrissie sucked on his tongue.One... Read full Story
Got addicted to watching shemale porn
I am considered to be very straight. I don't look at guys and think "Gee I'd like to suck his dick" or anything like that. I seperated from my first wife about 5 years ago. After seperating I got on line and downloaded a hell of a lot of porn. I am talking hours of porn. Can't r... Read full Story
Eight Inches
Got stranded at my pal Devin’s place this week when it started sleeting like crazy. I decided to wait it out, and wound up bunking on the couch. I couldn’t sleep in my clothes, but I didn’t have anything else to wear so I wound up in nothing but an oversized shirt Dev lent me. A... Read full Story
Theatre Date
I found the greatest place this week! A few weeks ago I was in a small town about a half hour away visiting some friends, and I noticed their town had just restored their old movie theater – the old-fashioned kind with the playbill and the marquee and the lights and everything. They were sh... Read full Story
New Leather
I have a super-sexy new coat! It’s black leather, has lacings and D-rings as detail all over it, a high collar, straps to close it in front, and a red lining. It’s very . . . well, it’s like something out of a vampire movie, so maybe it’s a bit much for everyday wear, but I t... Read full Story
Been dreaming this for a while...
Been imagining an encounter with a hairy tall man, Been masturbating while I crossdress. Still a virgin analy but it might not last for long, an encounter will soon be coming. My perfect night would be this... Tall man ebters my hotel room, we talk, I am fully dressed in lingerie, black! High ... Read full Story
TV loving cock
Sorry I didn't keep you posted on Saturday night, but I was sorta busy being my usual slutty self. Story to follow: I talked to a guy on megaphone. He works as a night security guard at a big office building on the edge of town. He is there all by himself in this huge, mostly vacant building, in ... Read full Story
The Martini affair
I was having a drink at the crowbar in Chicago when I noticed her amidst all the gaymen around. After being pissed by all the rude and intrusive men I had found secluded spot at a lonely bar stool by the counter to enjoy my Martini. I was wearing a tight hip hugging jeans and a tanktop to flaunt my ... Read full Story
My Shemale Tube Wish Came To Life
My Shemale Tube Wish Came To Life I am one of those guys that likes looking at shemale tube sites and I just get turned on by watching all those videos. Though I have never met a shemale before, my wish grew stronger every day until I decided to do something about it. There was this particular on... Read full Story
Shemale sexy movies In My Own Production
Oh, it was a terrible evening! It was raining heavily outside and I felt bored. I didn't know what to do with myself. Laziness kept me from going out but, otherwise, my body was craving for a little excitement. After some thinking, I decided to go to a nearby video store and get a couple of shema... Read full Story
Sexy Masturbation In Free Shemale Chat Rooms
Having had a long day at work and driving home enjoying the wonderful early fall sunset, I was starting to be kind of romantic… Maybe not that romantic, but I felt like having a nice girl next to me to cuddle and scoop with. The more I was thinking about cuddling and scooping, the needier I w... Read full Story
I Just Wanted To Chat With Shemales!
So, the guys and I packed and finally headed to Amsterdam. Of course, we got drunk and wasted as soon as the plane has touched the ground and the four of us rented an apartment, bought loads of six-packs and decided to paint the town red. Especially the Red District. The nights turned into wild p... Read full Story
My Secret Girlfriend
I've been roommates with this weird guy named Casey for several months now. He's pretty quiet and doesn't bug me, but I feel he might be a bit... insecure. Earlier I'd be working on laundry and some girly clothes like panties and bras would get in. At first he said it was his sister's (who had staye... Read full Story
Making Shemale Vanity Tube Your Homepage Is A Great Idea!
It all started as a joke. My roommates at the time pulled a prank on me and made Shemale Vanity Tube my homepage. You see, I was about to hook up with this chick one night so they sneaked inside my room before we got there and made that change. Once I turned on my screen in search for some sexy musi... Read full Story
Kinky Alexander And Our Hot Young Shemale Tube Movie!
Being different is not easy, and it can certainly be a rough ride. But I found my passion and I started making young shemale tube movies. It all started at a bar one night! I didn't want to get attached or have a serious relationship. I was alone and I haven't had sex in a long time, I was aching fo... Read full Story
She Male Webcam Encounter Made My Night
This story was one for the record books. I was out on the town having a wonderful time. It seemed like every club I went to, there was some hot guy interested in me. I loved feeling the sensation of their cocks growing against my ass. I faced a major problem because I did not tell them that I am ... Read full Story
My Shemale Webcam Tubes Next Door Neighbor Rendezvous
Whenever I would feel down or lonely, I would go online, look for shemale webcam tubes and enjoy myself. I would always find someone interesting there that would satisfy my senses. That night something amazing happened. I came back home, all fired up, wanting to please myself, I went online and t... Read full Story
How I became a gurl
So how did you become a gurl? That's the question almost everyone I meet or chat with asks me... how did you become such a sexy transvestite, when did you figure it out, when did you learn you liked cock. I actually love the question, because it turns me on to answer it. When I was 15 or 16... Read full Story
My Naughty She Male Photo Session And A Night To Remember!
He was a photographer that I was supposed to work with on my first she male photo session. Let me tell you about Jamal. He is a strong guy, with the body to die for, and I must say I was fantasizing about him from the moment I saw him. I loved being in front of the camera and I enjoyed every minute ... Read full Story
My Hot Adventures In Shemales Chatrooms
I thought I had grown out of or just become completely bored of chatrooms years ago. I thought as I got older that spending hours online chatting to random people about nothing of any note or interest was something that I had just outgrown. But the other night I decided to have a look around online ... Read full Story
How I became a GURL part II
So I'm in college now, I've learned to love and use porn in all its forms, I've learned to be a great cock sucker and to have my ass fucked. I've learned to tie myself up -- as best as possible -- to pee all over myself to get that humiliating feeling. I'd spread the porn mags all over the floor and... Read full Story
How I became a GURL Part III
Now that I was fully versed in being a gurl, I needed to know if I could turn a man on in person, not just looking through a glory hole. I wanted to have a man treat me totally like a woman, take me to a hotel and make love to me, completely as a woman. But where to find the guy? The answer wa... Read full Story