Free Stories

Breaking the rules
This is a fantasy story. My name is John and I was in the military. I was off duty and needed some pussy, so I went to a whore house I heard alot about, the best some would say. When I got there I was greeted by a nice older woman who explained the only rule, not to hurt the girls. And I ... Read full Story
Shemale Delight
I have always considered myself a, women only, kind of guy. After an experience I had 10 years ago, I have added shemales to my list. Anyway, I love to take road trips and visit different cities, usually out of state. I go on-line to do some research about different cities to see what kind of si... Read full Story
Don't mess with Mistress Toni.
Few months ago a guy contacted me online and asked if I did S&M. with a Tgirl. Have done it before (Well very little I haven't done) and said "sure" I asked if he had done this sort of thing before and he said "Yes and I want you to do it "full on" Kept chatting away... Read full Story
FTM Husband Longs For Sex
Maria looked up as her big, beefy husband entered the room and smiled. Even after all these years her heart still skipped a beat at the mere sight of him. And when Steve smiled at her and asked for a kiss she thanked her lucky stars that she had found this special man. There was a dreamlike quali... Read full Story
A fantasy of mine with a sexy cd or tranny
i wanna dress you up in a sexy blue fishnet shirt with a red lacy bra under, a short black miniskirt with a pair of red silk panties, some thigh highs and a pair of red high heels and take you out somewhere and fondle you a little here and there then go back to your place and take you to bedroom and... Read full Story
The New Boss
My name is Jacklyn. I am 27 years old and was just promoted to Vice President of BB last week. I'm not a stunner but I have an okay body with a nice shape to it. I begin working here when I turned 20 and found it to be relaxing. However what everyone called the "Upstairs Crew" were very qu... Read full Story
More Dirty Sex with Tania. Part One Hotel Sex
It took quite some planning, after our last meet in the lay-by, but at long last we had both been able to get away at the same time. We, well actually Tania, had arranged our meet to be at the Premier Inn at Witcombe, just south of Cheltenham and just of the A46. Tania was arriving just after lunch ... Read full Story
My girl in threesome with two shemales
As I watched my girl on the dance floor bumping and grinding with her friends, I was wondering if I would get lucky tonight. Little did I know, I was in for a night of my life. My girl, Lisa was sandwiched between two of the most beatiful blondes alive. Their hips swayed from side to side and as the... Read full Story
His first anal!
Andrew was a very simple guy. He was not aggressive, very quiet and nice. Actually he was not quarrelsome, just a man of peace. But we all know that still waters run deep. Over the past few years, Andrew had longed for being penetrated. Vehemently. He needed to be bent over something and fucked thor... Read full Story
Let me start out by saying that I was very much in the closet about my dressing and the fun I have when I'm dressed when this happened. But more and more I kept fantasizing about one of my male friends. He's very good looking and keeps in shape by jogging every day. Several of the times we've gone o... Read full Story
Cheating Partner
Have you ever imagined what it would feel like if you found your partner in bed with another person? Well I did, it happened to me not that long ago. I got home from work later then usual. I parked the car in the driveway as always and opened the front door of my typical urban house. I called out fo... Read full Story
My transformation
is fiction It is strange where one’s desires can lead one. Take me as an example. Always entirely enamored of, infatuated with and completely submissive to all things feminine, a true devotee of Female Supremacy, my lifelong fantasy has always, since before I can remember, been to find a ... Read full Story
My friend Pete
When I was 15 my friend Pete and I used to race around on our bikes nicking porn mags from corner shops. We used to take them to the local park and read through them with our cocks straining at our school shorts. As time went on we started to take turns going behind a bush or into the toilet an... Read full Story
I want you used!
I'd been Will's little CD slut every time that I'd overnighted in his city for about a year. That was one night every other week. He was always very good to me, bringing wine to my room and spoiling me with his gentleness as he had his way with me. He loved to have me lie still while he teased me al... Read full Story
Crossdressing fun
I always love to crossdress when Im horny I love the feeling of being a woman and seducing a man. Older men have always attracted me here is my fantasy. I dress up one day with a red thong red bra black nylons short skirt and blouse and get online. I find a man who likes me and is ready to play. I c... Read full Story
My Great Adventure
One morning after dressing in sis’s clothes and she is a hot fish net stockings and 5” patenet leather pumps and corsets to die for and a pair of padded inserts to enhance her already endowed breasts, I needed some excitement besides the usual pulling of the wang and using ... Read full Story
A succulent shemale cock in my mouth
Not only the readers of our ladyboy blog love jerking off to our shemale sex stories, some of them are also willing to share. A guy named Steve was always curious about how a shemale cock would taste in his mouth and he just had to let it all out. TFS, Steve. I have always wanted to know what it ... Read full Story
Smoking ladyboy in latex indulges my fantasies
Our reader, Matt J, have recently visited Pattaya and, as you can see from his story, it was a very fruitful visit! He had a petite ladyboy Lo spend a night with him during which he came countless times, and now he says he'll be coming back for more. Who wouldn't? ;) I recently indulged a few of ... Read full Story
Lakeside Awakening
If anyone had told the way I’d meet my soul mate a few years ago, I never would have believed it. It was my senior year of high school and I had recently gotten out of yet another bad relationship with a girl. Lina had been a pretty, chubby blonde with a nice personality but a nasty temper. We... Read full Story
Beautiful ladyboy Natalie
Feasting comes after fasting. What's with you guys, it's been over a month that i haven't seen any new shemale stories from you, and now i'm getting them every day. Which is good of course. ;) Here's a shemale story from Tommy about his long-standing shemale fantasy finally fulfilled. I'd had she... Read full Story
Got more than he bargained for
This story was written for Trans Ladyboy by Brandi, a hot dominatrix and a phone sex operator. She says guys often call her to share their tranny fantasies with her, one of which would be getting dominated by a tranny, and, you know, she's really good at that! Call her for this phone fantasy (1.99 a... Read full Story
Once a Slut Always a Slut
I held my breath – and then I knew I had crossed a line – I had become by my submission, in that instant of time, another individual. I had known Paul Phillips since I had arrived at the local school in the village some 6 years before. We had moved on together to the grammar school in... Read full Story
My Filipina transsexual penpal
I too feel very attracted to Ladyboys, especially Asians. Since I started looking at the Ladyboy sites a part of me feels deperate to one day date, and maybe even be with a transsexual the rest of my life. I feel that I will never be sexually complete until I have finally had sex with an Asian Ladyb... Read full Story
Married guy wants a shemale to fuck his wife
I'm a married guy and I've had this fantasy of a shemale fucking my wife for quite some time! She is a very attractive lady. She has been hesitant in the past to try new, kinky things, however, lately, she has begun to get into what initially was my self-imposed chastity. However, she quickly shoots... Read full Story
Stop lying to yourself
I've always had an attraction to transexuals, even before I knew they existed! I had a pic of Anna Kournikova with her legs spread and you could see her panties, and I was playing with it in a program I think was called Goo, whatever it was called it allowed you to warp photos, and I stretched out p... Read full Story
Sensual Ebony - Sexy Transsexual Escort…
Ebony stood before me with her hands on her hips. Her smile was one that I would remember for a long time especially when she explained that she wanted to show me how she could please a man. That man was me. And she wanted turn my fantasy into a reality. She leant forward showing me her firm tits... Read full Story
The Breast Fantasy Come True
As a gay man, Paul had always only been interested in having relationships with men but he loved breasts. There was something about them that he really liked and having a few friends that were female made him even more curious and he asked them questions about them and one of them even let him have ... Read full Story
She Male Tube Videos Calmed Me Down After A Fantasy I had In The Bus
I was going back home from a stressful working day. Bus was full of people and I barely managed to get into it. I was tired and stressed out and I couldn't wait to come home and do something that will relax me. Usually, I would fill in a bath tab, drink wine and listen to the music. This time I w... Read full Story
Making Shemale Vanity Tube Your Homepage Is A Great Idea!
It all started as a joke. My roommates at the time pulled a prank on me and made Shemale Vanity Tube my homepage. You see, I was about to hook up with this chick one night so they sneaked inside my room before we got there and made that change. Once I turned on my screen in search for some sexy musi... Read full Story
She Male Webcam Encounter Made My Night
This story was one for the record books. I was out on the town having a wonderful time. It seemed like every club I went to, there was some hot guy interested in me. I loved feeling the sensation of their cocks growing against my ass. I faced a major problem because I did not tell them that I am ... Read full Story
A Live Shemale Chat Session
I was always curious about Shemales. I was never into dudes at all, but there was something about a hot Shemale that just turned me on. The first time I ever got in touch with a Shemale was when I went to have a live Shemale chat session on a website I found a couple of years ago. I got so scared... Read full Story
My Shemales Webcam Sex Partner Gave Me The Night Of Pleasure I W
It was a warm night and I was in my bed. I was feeling lonely and I wanted to have someone next to me who will give me tenderness I needed. I was tossing and turning and could not fall a sleep. I did not know what to do, so I got up. I went online and while I was looking for movie that I want to ... Read full Story
Willows transformation
Fern and I had been married for three years. Our sex life had become bland, routine, and, frankly, I preferred masturbation to the work it took to cum by intercourse. I was pretty sure that Fern felt that way, too. You see, my cock is, at best, 5 inches. My touch, or my tongue, on her clit seemed to... Read full Story
A Wonderful Ordeal
Don and I had met on the internet in a chat room. Over the course of a month we had gotten to know each other and had shared our fantasies. Don was very dom and enjoyed the fact that I was very sub. I had shared with Don one of my favorite fantasies in which I'm abducted and forced into sexual servi... Read full Story
Sally Gets Caught
It is the fantasy of every cross dresser to pass as a girl but the only time it happened to me was when my partner caught me dressed in her best. For a minute or two she didn't recognise me but as the realisation of what she was witnessing dawned then things became very difficult. Understandably the... Read full Story
The Babysitter Chapter Two
Over the next few weeks, I could hardly think of anything but the idea of wearing girly clothes and how sexy it would feel. Every house I babysat at now, I would not just go through the underwear, I would dress up in it. I began to build up quite a collection of soiled panties stolen from the women ... Read full Story
Dissidia Final Fantasy
Floating in an ocean of azure blue and ivory white clouds, a single castle main castle levitates in the epicenter of the area in front of the three travelers, while a smaller castle hovered adjacent to it. Traveling on a beam of concentrated magic that connected their previous world with this one, t... Read full Story
Revenge is a Dish Best Served Hot
Commissioned by: Hobgoblin Written by: christhestampede ~~~ Yuffie climbed off the Highwind's ladder and stormed across the field to a nearby clump of trees, fuming and kicking at the ground as she went. Before entering the grove she turned and shook her fist at the departing airship, cursi... Read full Story
I started towards the local theater in my Chevy Corsica to see the midnight showing of some sort of vampire movie. I guess it was a love story where this one girl falls in love with a vampire and vice versa. Oh well... supposedly the books were popular, so might as well see what all of the hype is a... Read full Story
She Male Photo Gallery Brought My High School Fantasy To Life
A friend of mine from high school came to visit me after many years when I moved into my new apartment in Los Angeles. We were good friends back then and kept in touch, but we went apart due to our careers. He was even one off the first and few people I came out to in high school, so our relationshi... Read full Story
A night with Jilly
My stomach tensed as I heard that knock on my door. A week of excitement, email and photo exchanges had finally come to this moment. I slightly opened my hotel door as a man carried a bag quickly into the bathroom and closed the door. I nervously waited with my hard cock soaked in pre cum over and o... Read full Story
Sexy She Male Picture I’ll Never Forget
My friends and I were on a road trip, and we finally got to Los Angeles on hot afternoon. My friends wanted to go to the beach and to grab some food afterwards. I did not feel like it, so I decided to take a nap in our motel room. That was what I told them anyway. I was up for something else inst... Read full Story
Far Eastern Adventure
He was transferred to the Far East with no real choice in the matter. His boss never took no for an answer and rarely gave him the opportunity to try. She had been acting strangely for the last few weeks, eyeing him oddly as if trying to unravel some hidden mystery within him. This strange perusa... Read full Story
Halloween Disguise
an original story by me. its not true more of a fantasy... this story starts october 14th. first of all i am a 23 year old boy, i just moved to a different state to go to college, i dont have many friends and have only been her a couple of months. today was like any other day, had to wake up e... Read full Story
Jan dresses Sherrie for a good time
I saw the room number 216, I took a deep breath and then knocked. The door opened and I recognized her from the email photo’s her name was Jan she is about 5’ 7”, brown hair in her 40’s a little over weight with some cute plus sized bumps lightly sagging C cups. She was weari... Read full Story
Meet with Jan part 1
I'd asked Janice if I could arrive at hers dressed, because it takes me at least two hours to put my slap on! So I had to get dressed at a motel and drive over, under cover of darkness. She'd left her drive open, so I could park at the side of her house, and slip round the back of the large semi (... Read full Story
Slut Wife
The Main Attraction at Ginger’s In my sex story about going to a swingers club for the first time, The Main Attraction at Ginger’s, I explored what it would be like to watch and have sex in front of total strangers for the first time. Here is an excerpt from the story. If you like i... Read full Story
Caught wearing my mother's stockings
For as long as I can remember I've been obsessed with my mother's legs. My very first wank was brought on by the sight of her curvaceous stockinged legs in high heels. She also liked to wear knee high black leather boots which would send me into a frenzy. I once saw walked past her room while she wa... Read full Story
Get caught dressed as a female
How it all started: It is the fantasy of every cross dresser to pass as a girl but the only time it happened to me was when my partner caught me dressed in her best. For a minute or two she didn't recognise me but as the realisation of what she was witnessing dawned then things became very diffic... Read full Story
My first threesome
My lover and I just finished sucking each off and were laying next to each just talking and he ask if I had any fantasy's and I said I like dressing in lingerie. He went to his closet and came out with a black bra and panty set along with a full black slip. He asked if I would put these on and I was... Read full Story
Shemale First Time
First time Sex with a shemale. Intro. I have read several stories of first time sex with Transexuals and none relate to my experience. So for those who are truly curious about how to go about it and what it is like this is my tale. I have always been a straight guy as far as I know. Married... Read full Story
A Shemale Christmas Carol
I got a job working as a mall Santa at the local mall during the Christmas shopping season one year. It had been a real shitty year for me. My wife of almost twenty years left me for a younger man, I lost my other job due to layoffs and, on top of all that, my doctor diagnosed me with high blood pre... Read full Story
The Shemale As A Figure in Art
The writer of shemale erotic fiction is doubly blessed-and doubly cursed-because he or she has to describe the best of both worlds: both female faces, breasts, legs, buttocks, and anus and penis, testicles, and scrotum. Although, overall, his or her protagonist must be not only feminine but, usu... Read full Story
Seduced Willingly Part 1
Finally, I moved to a city that was exciting, Miami. I moved to Miami looking for something new and adventurous. I grew up in very conservative town where nothing exciting went on. In Miami I found different languages, gay people, different ethnic persons, art, and culture. However, my job keeps me ... Read full Story
Jenna & Stephen Part 2
A lot has happened between Jenna and I since that fateful afternoon when we shared our wildest past experiences, and then lived-out my kinky secret the very next day. While there have been very different circumstances since then, our sexual relationship has still mostly revolved around my affinit... Read full Story
Charisma Part 1
Tiffany De Vine wondered whether the ladies’ dressing room in which she was about to try on a brassiere was under surveillance by some fat, obese fucker with a day’s stubble of beard and a cum-stained crotch. Probably, she thought; it would be just her luck. Well, if some slob was drooli... Read full Story