Free Stories

First time sex with a ladyboy
Ok guys, this is a milestone in my life. I had sex with a ladyboy!!! It was completely amazing, something i have fantasized about for years but never thought i would do! I met her on the internet a while ago and have been chatting to her since. We got on pretty well and she invited me for dinner!... Read full Story
Having sex with a shemale for the first time
Well i had been curious about having sex with a TS for awhile, after looking in the local paper at the personal ads there was one advertising, so i got up the never and rang the number and arranged a meeting with her. When i got to the address she opened the door, she was in her late thir... Read full Story
Been dreaming this for a while...
Been imagining an encounter with a hairy tall man, Been masturbating while I crossdress. Still a virgin analy but it might not last for long, an encounter will soon be coming. My perfect night would be this... Tall man ebters my hotel room, we talk, I am fully dressed in lingerie, black! High ... Read full Story
I Spend Way Too Much Time Looking At Shemale Photo Galleries
It is true, I spend way too much time looking at them, but it's hardly surprising when I regularly get to see some of the unbelievable things that I have seen over the years. There is some seriously amazing sights going on with these shemale photo galleries, and I'm totally addicted to them. The wei... Read full Story
Jan dresses Sherrie for a good time
I saw the room number 216, I took a deep breath and then knocked. The door opened and I recognized her from the email photo’s her name was Jan she is about 5’ 7”, brown hair in her 40’s a little over weight with some cute plus sized bumps lightly sagging C cups. She was weari... Read full Story
First Time With Shemale
For as long as I can remember, I've preferred my chicks with dicks. There's something about a sexy babe with perfect makeup and hair and a cock that just turns me on. Maybe that makes me a pervert - I don't care! I remember I was just out of high school, 18, the first time I made it with a tranny. S... Read full Story
First time knowing that I was a girl inside
I was always jealous of the girls when I was younger. Jealous of their playing, jealous of their clothes,etc. I felt different. So one night when I was young, I stole my moms high heels and pantyhose before she went to bed. Always felt the clothes were right for me and was mad I couldn't wear them. ... Read full Story
My first time
I was nervous, and had never even gotten laid before. I had jacked off a lot, but I thought about real women when I shot my load. But Dani sure looked and seemed like a real woman, and she had brought me back to her place. When she started kissing me, I didn't even have to think about it - I slipped... Read full Story
You've Got Shemale Part 2
"Coming?" I heard her voice call to me from the restroom. I had wiped myself up a bit with a tissue while she was doing something with the faucet running in the restroom. "On my way!" I quickly walked in and closed the door behind me. I looked at the beautiful woman in front o... Read full Story
First time with both
I was young and I had a girlfriend who I confided a dark secret with, which I had never felt comfortable to tell anyone. She asked what I wanted to tell her and the suspense in the air as I told her was quite thick. "I've always felt like a woman trapped in my body." I casually said. &qu... Read full Story
Turn Back Time
If I could turn back time to when I was younger and prettier, I would have loved to make this fantasy cum true. I'd get my long hair styled; my fingernails and toenails painted bright red, and put on a very skimpy stripper outfit with g-string, heels, and mesh dress. I'd walk out on stage in a ro... Read full Story
State Park Night Life ...
I was honey as all get out and showed up at the State Park in Quincy Ma, ready for some man on man action. All cumers were welcome. No rules on age, color, or size. I wanted dick. Stiff hard dick. And yes a creamy facial was on my list. The sun was just going down, and some old guy drove by my car a... Read full Story
Friends cumNgo
I always stayed on the same block, same broken down corner house, same stay to my self attitude, never needed anyone for anything, except my girlfriend who lived with me... we would argue but at the end of the day she would crawl in bed and cuddle til we fell asleep together. Yes it was perfect for ... Read full Story
How I Became A Whore‏
Some time ago, a complete stranger, a man, fondled me in the subway; to my horror, my cock immediately became rock-hard. I was shocked; my response showed that I was a faggot, a slut that wanted a total stranger's cock inside me, I wanted to be fucked. I knew my virginity was his for the asking. ... Read full Story
World of Confusion
I first fell in love with transexuals when i first stumbled on a video called world of confusion, at first i was like oh yeah! this is gonna be a good porn one guy and three girls awesome, so then at first the guy is jerking off then all of a sudden these three females come out i was like about time... Read full Story
My first shemale encounter
I remember the first time I found myself in bed with a shemale. I had just broken up with my girlfriend. I was lonely, I was horny, and I had zero intention of finding myself in another relationship with a woman. When I told my buddy, Bob, he told me he knew just where to take me to solve this. So ... Read full Story
I have had a fantasy since college. I was in the adult viewing booth when I heard a tap. I loooked down at the hole and heard a womans voice asking if I wanted my dick sucked. Obviously I did, so I pulled it out and stuck it through the hole. At first it was just licked with some tugging on my balls... Read full Story
Leila's Secret
I'm an ordinary guy, nothing special about me at all. Well, maybe my choice in women could set me apart from most. It all started one rainy afternoon in Northern California as I was driving home after a party I'd attended alone the day before. I'd stayed over at a friend's house and after a ni... Read full Story
First BJ
I have always felt that I was a Woman born into a Man's body. Growing up I remember seeing my Mother in a girdle, garterbelt & Nylon stockings. I always felt that I wanted to wear them also. In school I watched the Girls start wearing their first bras, Nylons, garterbelts, makeup, heels etc. &am... Read full Story
The first time
One stormy night a man when in to this club to get out of the rain. went to bar to get a drink as he was waiting he saw a beauty at the end of bar. as he looked her way she smiled at him.and she was walking over. as she was he saw the most sexy legs he ever saw. the blonde woman sat next to him and ... Read full Story
Noisy Boy and woman
Hi there,What do i think about womans a woman is a gift for every men and other womans you have to respect theme so much for there beauty and strenght i now from myself i cannot live with out theme realy i love theme all they can make you crazy and they can make you come so that you think you are in... Read full Story
Candy's Treats
"Hi, I'm Candy," the pretty blonde Latina said to me as I sat alone in the casino bar. She had a nice pretty face and a great body with a store bought pair of dd's. I knew the moment she sat down that she was a pro. Five straight years in Vegas at the show had taught me how to spot them in... Read full Story
My first tranny Part 2
It felt so good to cum in her mouth. that wasn't planned. her mouth just felt so good. nice & wet. told her what really got me off so fast was having her cock in my mouth. "in that case, come here & suck it some more." she laid down with her legs open & her dick in the ai... Read full Story
Leila, My Hermaphrodite Lover
I'm an ordinary guy, nothing special about me at all. Well, maybe my choice in women could set me apart from most. It all started one rainy afternoon in Northern California as I was driving home after a party I'd attended alone the day before. I'd stayed over at a friend's house and after a ni... Read full Story
First time anal for young man
Over the past few years, Danny had desired the need to be penetrated. To be bent over and thoroughly shafted. He didn't consider himself gay, but still felt the need for some anal action. He first discovered his longings whilst he was masturbating. One day, out of curiosity he placed a finger in his... Read full Story
My second time with Jake
The week after my first experience with Jake was amazing. I had finally sucked a real cock and I wanted to again. All that week Jake kept texting me pictures of his hard cock. I couldn’t believe that he was into a gurl like me. On Thursday of the week he texted me another pic of his cock and t... Read full Story
Daddy always wanted a little girl
I SAW my daddy and his friends fucking a tranny one night and the next night he had a poker party. SO I got some of the sexy clothes he had. MINI skirt black lacy crotchless bodySUIT heels, wig makeup, EVEN IN my wheelchair, I LOOK LIKE LIKE a whore. Toward the end of the night I rolled out to drive... Read full Story
The Making of A Sissy Part 7
As Sandy pulled into the drive of Aunt Jane’ s house, Tara turned from the front passenger seat and eyed the forlorn looking sissy seated centrally between her two sisters with some satisfaction. “It’s a good thing your friend can stay with you tonight to console you; of course ... Read full Story
First time
I was the only boy in my family. Tall, slender, and somewhat effeminate. Many said I looked like my mother, who I adored. As a youngster, I longed to dress like my sisters, who wore such pretty things. One day, when I was alone, I snuck into my sister's room and admired all of her pretty things. On ... Read full Story
Here I was, on a Sunday night, going in the club to have some fun. After few hours of dancing and drinking, one pretty girl came and asked me to dance with her. Looking at her I saw that she`s not a "grenade" so I was thinking maybe I will have some fun tonight so we started dancing. Afte... Read full Story
First time with a transexual
I came across this story that was so hot I felt I had to share it I was at a stag party one doy and a beautiful stripper came on. She was drop-dead gorgeous with a fantastic body to die for. In the last few seconds of her act, she turned her back to us, whipped off her thong then turned around to... Read full Story
Fifi La Femme: A Pansy at Last
I was quivering and shimmying with excitement dressed in my wife Doreen's black satin 36DD long-line brassiere with a pair of heavy silicone false titties wobbling inside the cups; her gorgeous deep six strap waist clinching suspender belt and flimsy see through panties that I'd bought for her; or r... Read full Story
Getting panties
So, after my first time wearing panties I had to do it again and again. I only had the one pair that I had gotten fromn the neighbor girl and wanted more. When I saw her the next day she ask me what I had done with her panties, I had hand washed them in my bathroom sink and hid them to dry. I did no... Read full Story
My favorite time with a man as a Tgirl
I was in the dance clubs with my friends and we were very sexy dressed in heels and low tops and I was in high heels and a mini dress that was flowers all around it. My ass looked so big and round in that dress. It was low on my big boobs and very tight so my boobs looked like they have coming out. ... Read full Story
My REAL life as an amateur cd superstar
Earlier,I wrote about what real cd sex was like.What I'm gonna say now isn't fiction.See my galleries.The turning point for me was my 1st 3some.I met Gloria and she came with a professional makeover.She turned me on to a salon in Staten isl called fairplay that catered exclusively to cd's.I'll never... Read full Story
Kelly's first cock
I've been dressing on an off for as far as i can remember, starting when i was at school, coming home early and putting on my mum's lingerie and heels and wanking myself off looking at my reflection in the mirror. However, it wasn't until i went to uni that i started to get into tranny porn, where i... Read full Story
Fantastic Sensations
I got to thinking it's been too long since I pampered myself, so thought I might buy some new toys to play with. I found a really good site on the web, uk based so no problems with postage etc. I ordered some anal toys and lubricant, they said it would be 2 days for delivery and sure enough they arr... Read full Story
First time Tranny
Well this all happened about two years ago when i was 18 i always have had fantasies of having a cock in my mouth and ass but i wasnt attratced to men jusst the cock so i decided to find a shemale. i live in a small town and thats hard so i found one about an.hour away in the city. so i talked to he... Read full Story
My first time with a TS woman, the next morning
After sucking my new ts girlfriend and holding her close on the couch, we spent the night sleeping together. I woke with her in my arms. We were sleeping on our sides and face to face. Her body felt so nice and warm against mine. Then I noticed that she was hard. Her cock was hard and hot and pre... Read full Story
First time with a cute ladyboy
It had been a long week at work. So I decided to go to the Sound Factory for a drink and maybe get lucky with the ladies. As soon as I got to the bar, I spotted a beautiful asian lady wearing leggings with pantyhose and a sexy little top. She offered to buy me a drink, who am I to refuse. So we had... Read full Story
I`ve always had this fantasy about being with a shemale,i guess something about a chick wit a dick and tits always turned me on,i`ve always been curious about wat it`s like to be fucked by one.Well last weekend was a weekend i`m gonna remember for the rest of my life bc that was the weekend i decide... Read full Story
First time buying cross dressing undies and more
First off I had a sister that was 3 years older than me. In my freshman year of high school I hit the point I wanted to know what ladies under wear felt like. My sister had a strict no entering her room policy. So the summer after she graduated she went on a two week trip. My parents went to wor... Read full Story
CD first time getting fucked by a guy
It starts I was 20 years old I love to wear women's clothes it felt great to wear them the panties on the bra the wig the make up the sexy slutty clothes one night I was getting ready to go out with the girls to a club I got on a black and purple thong and bra on then some black stockings on th... Read full Story
Got fucked by a tgirl yesterday while standing up
I got fucked by a tgirl yesterday while standing up... a first for me and pretty good experience... here's the story I visited a new t-girl, for the first time, and decided to try something new, well, to be honest, she encouraged me to try something new :) I had seen a pic, with my new tgir... Read full Story
Next time fucking her cross dressing husband and bred his wife
Wachenheim dressed up in a pretty skirt and loose blouse with his wife watching walked up to and knelt between my legs. He sucked my thick long black cock. His wife watched and masturbated as he worked my cock deep in his mouth. She knew as soon as I did him that she ws next. It was her wishes for t... Read full Story
Crossdresser for first time
Hello, first of all excuse my spelling, my first lenguage is not English. I have been a CD since I was 15 years old. I used to wear my sisters dirty clothes in the bathroom. I perfect remember when I cum for first time as a CD using a pair of panties and bra back day. I always check out underware... Read full Story
First time with a shemale
Ive always been turned on by shemales,why i dont know. I always wanted to fuck one for some reason big titty shemales that look like a woman just turned me on. There is a shemale in my town i ran into a couple times, I finnally found out her name and looked her up on facebook. She is a beautiful ebo... Read full Story
My first time
I was 13, I was alone in houses and suddenly I wanted to masturbate, went into the bathroom and started, but something is not received, moist fingers and began to massage the anus, I felt how excited my cock solidify, fumbled finger in my ass, and shuddered penetration move their fingers deep inside... Read full Story
First time crossdresser
Back when I was an adolescent of fifteen years, I was and presently still interested in shemales. As a explored my sexuality through viewing of trans girl porn, I came across a sissy hypnosis video. I personally don't believe in hypnosis but my curiosity got the better of me and I watched. The ... Read full Story
Yes, I used to be Straight....Pt. 1.
The title came as an answer to an inbox question from a trans-sis... We were chatting about how some of us stay off the radar when it comes to sex (sexual acts as your feminine self); and some of us fall off the deep end. I gave my personal experience and thought I'd share the story with you (f... Read full Story
TS Escort-true story
I wore my little bo peep dress, which is pink with lace and frills, and petticoats. I wore my pink frilly suspender panties and white thigh stocking with a wee bow. She treated me like her bitch. Standing up in fron t of me she masturbated her really thick 9"cock in my face until it was sol... Read full Story
How I became a cute femboy CD part 3
about forty-five minutes after midnight and found two boys sitting on opposite sides of the couch playing a video game and teasing one another about how bad the other one sucks. My mom talked to us for a while and went to bed and by this time it was almost two am and we were tired so decided to go ... Read full Story
First time sucking
I want to write about my first sexual experience... when I was about seven years old or so, I discovered that I was naturally inclined to, and very skilled, at sucking penis. a childhood friend, whom I met at church, was a bit of a sissy, and a little confused. one sunday he talked me into skipping ... Read full Story
Making of a Sissy pt2
After Tom had dressed me & now had the photo evidence I knew I was at his mercy. I also knew that the blowjob I had given him wouldn't be all he was looking to get from me to keep my secret. He was soon messaging me, telling me when to be at his, along with a picture of me dressed, with ... Read full Story
My First "Real TS Encounter"
September 2007 Alright, so I’m going to put into writing the story of my very first “Real TS Encounter.” This was back in 2007, so I’m going to do my best to remember as much detail as possible. However it’s been nearly a decade, so we’ll see how it goes. I had be watching “Shemale” porn for a... Read full Story
First time with a trans escort
I've thought about seeing a t-girl escort many times and a few weeks ago I finally made a date with a local girl named Carol. She´s a lovely Colombian girl with long dark hair and a slim, sexy body. She welcomed me into her home wearing a sexy black dress and high heels and after pouring a d... Read full Story