Free Stories

Drinking Decisions
I was at a dance club one night a few years back. It was one of these goth/electro sorta things, it kinda looked like something out of a Marylin Manson video. I had been drinking most of the night with my friends and had a pretty good buzz on. This girl comes to the bar next to me, black vinyl corse... Read full Story
She Male Tube Videos Calmed Me Down After A Fantasy I had In The Bus
I was going back home from a stressful working day. Bus was full of people and I barely managed to get into it. I was tired and stressed out and I couldn't wait to come home and do something that will relax me. Usually, I would fill in a bath tab, drink wine and listen to the music. This time I w... Read full Story
Shemales Video For My Sexy Pleasure
The flight from LA took all of my strength - a few hours of sitting was not really my thing. Plus, this was a business trip to Boston, endless series of boring meetings where I discussed number and figures, and by the end of the day my head was buzzing; I desperately needed to relax. My laptop was o... Read full Story
Caught Watching Free Mobile Shemales
I was watching Free Mobile Shemales on my phone browser during my lunch break when the phone rang. Annoyed by the fact that someone is interrupting my free time, I answered angrily "Yes, who is it?". "Wrong number", said a female voice, "Sorry to interrupt you lunch!", ... Read full Story
My Erotic She Male Pics Photo Shoot
You know that time when you feel so horny and you want to nail every guy that passes right next to you? Well, I was dealing with that! My body was just burning for some hot, sexy guy that will grab me like no one did before, place me against the wall and fuck so hard that I start screaming out of jo... Read full Story
Choosing From Shemale Pics Gallery
"You into shemales?", asked the man in Amsterdam's Red Light district, "We have everything in De Wallen, just ask", he continued to promote his girls, "Maybe the gentleman would like to watch some shemale pics gallery before making a decision?" And I thought - why not. ... Read full Story
Deep sexual fantasy part 2
I Know it been since last year since wrote about my bring up, and in that time space I have done a lot more. So remember i was saying that in part 2 I would talk about my fantasy....well to my luck it came through :). On a cold winter Sunday, coming from a business meeting i made my way onto t... Read full Story
I've just been fucked
I have just been sodomized, motherfucker deep within me. I received in my heart a prick long and wide. He enjoyed me, his cum dripping from my anus distended, opened, which bears the mark of the powerful flared tail that just screwed me divinely. I am happy, exhausted, panting, lying face down on th... Read full Story
She-Male Pimp Daddy
I’ve been working the streets for a long time and I know all the ends and outs of the flesh market. I have six she-males that work for me and I get 50% of everything they make plus all the sex I want, any time I want it. I make them work seven days a week rain or shine. I buy their clothes ... Read full Story
The first tranny I looked for
So i've had some tranny experience unwittingly. I respond to this ad on craigslist from this 19 year old tranny who lives fairly far away, but her picture was so sexy I decided to take the hour drive. So I drive to her parents house, nervous the whole way, when I get there I get out of the car. Ston... Read full Story
The Blood Pact Chapter 4
I finished that single mug faster than I would have liked. However, with the room so warm and the ale so cold, I just couldn't help myself. With head thrown back, I drained the last gulp and slammed the mug down on the table with a movement that was perhaps a little too masculine for my outward appe... Read full Story
Sissy's Cherry Got Popped!
S)heplacement- Definition- Any sissy male that is willing to take the place, or replace any woman who is not properly taking care of their man inside or outside the bedroom... These gu(y)rls will make sure their makeup and lipstick is just right, their lingerie is matching, and that they are always ... Read full Story
My First Encounter With A Shemale Escort Part 2
"Go on push it in", I managed to say through my clenched teeth. "As you wish", Crystal replied and the pressure increased as her cock began to slowly stretch my anus ring and slide inside me. She kept pushing until finally the full length of her shaft was inside me and I could fe... Read full Story
X-dresser Turns Housewife
A friend of mine that I have been seeing for a while shocked me one day. He called me up wanting to know if I was free throughout the day. I told him I could make time and he invited me over to his place. He told me to wear something a housewife would wear and bring an apron. I didn't know why, but ... Read full Story
Being a shemale's toy can be fun
Joliet called and asked if I would be interested in having some fun...I thought about the last time and how pissed off she got. I hesitated long enough for Joliet to whimper in the phone 'I promise to make up for my last theatrics, no bondage and I will reward you very handsomely if you attend to my... Read full Story
Louise Crossdresser
As things were going on about my living as louise the wife came home with jim and said they were getting me an apartment for my self. I looked at them and said just for me and they replied yes that they were going to live together from now on and did not want me in the way. Besides she says that ... Read full Story
Fifteen Minutes or Less
Late night, middle of nowhere on a deserted back road. Todd is late on delivery with a pizza and getting really tired. It has been storming pretty bad for more than an hour. After driving a little longer, he finally sees a place and sure enough it looks like it. It's a pretty big place with three st... Read full Story
T*Girl at the Bus Stop
That was when I made my decision. I turned the wheel sharply and drove into the gas station just behindher. I turned off the engine and hopped out of my Mustang. I walked upbehind her and leaned down. She still hadn't noticed me ,I guess,so I whispered into her ear, "Need a ride?" Sh... Read full Story
He got all whispery and pointed down to his crotch. I almost giggled.Then he goes "Is it true you have a dick?" I looked directly at him and told him he should put his hands downmy pants and find out. I don't know whatcame over me. I had seen the same nurse looking at me ever sincei sta... Read full Story
First time meeting with another CD
I was online and a message popped up from another Cd who lived local. He was married just like me and loved dressing up. We chatted for a few days and then he asked me over to his place as his wife was working. I had a few hours spare so i packed a few things and went over to see him. when i turn... Read full Story
My first time and loved it
My name is jay i have been attracted to shemales for a very long time i have always fantasizec of being with one but never happened.i dont know where to go to meet them and im real shy and quiet at first it sort of sucks trying to take to a beautiful woman never know what to i decided to join... Read full Story
My cute, crossdressing flat mate
Boarding school fucking sucks. I'm 16 and the Captain of the Rugby team, build like a real man. Short cropped Blonde Hair and Blue eyes. Could get any woman I wanted.Locked away at an all boys school constantly. My parents live a long way out of the city so its not really practical to even go home o... Read full Story
My first Tranny
After a recent breakup and a few years of fascination I finally got the urge to post a M4T wanted add on craigslist. After several unwanted offers from old men I was finally send pictures and the number of a sexy Latin shemale named Ana. After exchanging text messages for about 15 minutes I was fres... Read full Story
My wife found out I also love cock
Even though I've been a tranny lover since I was 18 I ended up marrying Barb she had a set of tits and an ass built for speed. I never told her about my past nor did I pump her for her past. We had been married for a couple of months when I got that need for big black cock again so while Barb slept ... Read full Story
Natacha's dungeon,
Natacha's dungeon, For a long time, I have loved wearing lingerie because it always gives me so much excitement to contemplate myself as a woman in front of my mirror. I learned a long time ago to memorize feminine gestures and attitudes while perched on my pumps. I also know how to put on ma... Read full Story
Winter Heat
I saw him in the breezeway, the open hall between the apartment buildings. My not-so-new neighbor. Been keeping an eye on him for a couple of months. He has a girlfriend, but nothing committed, and we flirt casually. He’s cute – six-three, so he’s tall, but it’s not string-be... Read full Story
Sexy She Male Pic And One Passionate Night With Hot Jeff
I am stunning, but I had some difficulties so I was determined to keep my secret. However, I have found a way to express myself, and that's how I met Jeff. I posted my naked she male pic online and started having date invites almost instantly. They were all pretty perverse, and I didn't mind, but I ... Read full Story
My Shemale Cams Extravaganza With The Boys
It was a beautiful late night and I decided to take a stroll home after work. Home was literally about 10 minutes away and I loved the feeling of the late night breeze in my hair. The day was long and daunting. All I could think about was the shemale cams videos I viewed while at work. While most... Read full Story
Down and Out
Our divorce had been final for three months. I was devastated, my wife had been sleeping with her boss for a year before she finally got the courage to admit it and ask me for a divorce. I felt horrible. I stopped exercising and started eating poorly, gaining more than twenty pounds. I felt like a l... Read full Story
My Choice
A scream vibrated through the mall. "My wife must have just woke up from her hypnotic trance," a man said to himself, sitting on a bench near the ladies bathroom. I was the one who let out this loud scream. I awoke from a sleep looking at someone I had never seen before. Staring back... Read full Story
The sex assasin
Me and my girl wure fucking when we hurd on the radio about some lady assassin going around killing wemon out of being jelous. we said wow she must ned to get layed as my part women part shemale gf was fucking me in the ass she asked me wat if she gets jelous of me being with u i said there lot of w... Read full Story
Peepshow Pimps
I like to go to adult bookstores. No matter how many times a guy has sex and regardless of how many partners he has, he can't possibly compete with the men in the magazines, on the videotapes, and in the old filmstrips. These tan gods, with their deep chests, broad shoulders, and rippling muscles, f... Read full Story
Trannies Feminise My Bum
"Yea I thought the singing was OK but I don't really go for that style too much" "And the girls?" Brian prompted me. "Oh come on Brian leave him alone we all know he's not really interested in girls." "Give him a chance, people can change. Perhaps Carl's developing... Read full Story
First Public Experience
From my previous stories you’ll know I love to dress up in lingerie. After a small number of sexual encounters with men I decided it was time to take things to the next level. I told a lesbian friend of my cross-dressing and asked her to take me to a gay nightclub dressed as lady. I didn&rsquo... Read full Story
Shy girl with a big secret Part 2
After Maria unloaded her seed in my mouth, I was amazed at the flavor, for it was sweet like sugar but had a bit if a salty tang. I kept most of her seed in my mouth, turned around, and kissed her full on the lips, letting the delicious cum flow from my mouth to hers. As this was going on, I started... Read full Story
Shemale secretary fucking
Ms Boss had said that I was to see her secretary concerning "letting of some steam". She and I had been at each others throats lately and Ms Boss didn´t like her two slaves to argue. So we were left alone in the break room after most people had gone home. And we were not to leave un... Read full Story
Diary of a transsexual escort
Monday: I got up late today, close to lunch, but after last night’s exertions I badly needed my beauty sleep, a look in the mirror confirms that more sleep was needed, anyway I’ve got a day with the girls getting pampered and I cannot wait. I put on my sexy black stockings and susp... Read full Story
Weakened and Taken
It started simply enough. I see an attractive woman at the hotel bar and offer her a drink. She accepts and we converse. Soon, we are laughing and joking like intimate friends. She recommends that we take the conversation and drinks to her room, and I agree. I allow her to walk ahead, not only to le... Read full Story
Eric...a Part 2
I was well into my first semester of college. The University I chose was close enough to drive to, but my parents thought it would be a good idea to for me to live on campus. I didn't mind, and actually wanted some freedom. I lived in a single dorm unit and was not having a difficult time of transit... Read full Story
Trannys Feminize Dandy Boy
"Yea I thought the singing was OK but I don't really go for that style too much" "And the girls?" Brian prompted me. "Oh come on Brian leave him alone we all know he's not really interested in girls." "Give him a chance, people can change! Perhaps Carl's... Read full Story
Trannies Feminize Dandy Boy
"Yea I thought the singing was OK but I don't really go for that style too much" "And the girls?" Brian prompted me. "Oh come on Brian leave him alone we all know he's not really interested in girls." "Give him a chance, people can change! Perhaps Carl's... Read full Story
Bar Close
She grabbed his hand and he let her lead him out to the parking lot.Before he knew it she had shoved him up against a van and was unbucklinghis pants. She was on her knees with his dick in her throat in a matter of seconds. Nothing like this had ever happened to him before. He looked downat he... Read full Story
The Blind Date Night Part 2
He grasped my hand and we walked briskly from his car to the door of his condo with my 5 inch black heels clicking madly against the concrete. We moved in such haste that I was afraid I'd come tumbling down from the height of my heels. Once inside the condo he roughly grabbed me and pulled me tightl... Read full Story
Nikki Gets Satisfied
It was about a week later and I had heard very little from the guy I had met up with. I thought he wasnt interested and was actually thinking about deleting him from my phone when he txt one morning to tell me he was going to be free during that day if I was free and that this time he had condoms. I... Read full Story
A Sticky Situation
My boyfriend, Scott, has gotten himself into quite a predicament, and I don't know whether he even knows yet, but he will before too long. He's been throwing up for weeks now and seems to be able to eat only white bread, which he normally hates, and potatoes. He's also tired most of the time and has... Read full Story
My absolute ultimate fantasy
When I was growing up my pops had a auto repair shop out in the country right off the crossroad of two main highways we were never going to be rich but we were very comfortable When I graduated high school he gave me half of the business,so I could take over when he retiredThat first summer is one t... Read full Story
Shemale Whore and Arab Pimp
Hermaphrodite Whore It had been over a year since Johnny threw that tantrum that ruined me and got him excommunicated from mom. Holding me down when mom walked through the door with her friends, colleagues, whatever and they all gasped and screamed as my big brother finished doing me. We had... Read full Story
The GloryHole
One evening,I was feeling realy horny,so I got dressed to go to the local adult x store.wearing nothing than a strapless black lace corset,no panties,short mini skirt,and a pair of thigh high boots.and went with a short blonde wig.well walking thru the door,I turn to the left wear the door stood to ... Read full Story
Deep trouble
I'm at a bar, it must've been a weeknight because it was sparsely crowded. I'm having a few drinks (more than a few but), there is music playing, people are kinda dancing. This beautiful blonde about maybe 5'7'' comes in all alone. Sexy little thing with big dick sucking lips, huge breasts squashed ... Read full Story
Fucked as Bambi by an old chat friend
This is a very true story... My name is Bambi i am a TV/CD from sunny San diego.. I have been divorced now about a year.. The reasons for divorce were due to just to much separation in our marriage. I had taken a work assignment that took me to New Mexico and it was just the straw that broke the... Read full Story
Bookstore sissy slut
My name is dollie I love to be a girl and being very petite and pretty long black haired its easy for me too feminize. And until now I wouldn't go out, dressed up, sometimes a quick walk around or a short drive but nothing real. And one time in college I walked around the campus. Anyway I ignored al... Read full Story
T girl at the bus stop
The radio was loud and the top was down when I first saw her. She looked so beautiful sitting there at the bus stop.I remember her legs, they were long and tan and clad in silky smooth thigh highs. Her skirt shifted when she crossed her legs and I could see the garters clinging to her tan skin. S... Read full Story
Life Lesson #1: Older Guys Are Fun!
I was 24 and living on my own in a different town from where I grew up. It was far enough away that I could be anyone I wanted to be and so I got deeper into dressing up. I had a good job now, so I could afford some nicer clothes, and now that I had my own place, I could order things through the mai... Read full Story
First Cross-dressings Loosing Anal Virginity
It happened after a month of me blowing that guy twice...I mean I was so damn excited and was craving for his cock....I was blowing him every weekend in his car after the school...his cock was almost 7 inches and was so thick and that I like so so much the gagging he was giving everytime, that chock... Read full Story
My friend Barbara,
My friend Barbara, I look forward to welcoming Barbara. She is a lovely brunette with blue eyes who likes to make love without taboos. She knows how to bring our fantasies to life by imagining exciting role-playing games. - You're going to fall in love when you discover my underwear, she assur... Read full Story
Little Deaths
“Don’t you know I have the power to deliver you or to crucify you?” Pilate had asked Jesus. “You would have no power over me whatsoever,” Jesus had replied, “unless it were given to you from above.” That exchange of dialogue had always fascinated Bobbi... Read full Story