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Magician's Assistant - Friends & Lovers Part 4

John handled the issue of perfume in like fashion, informing his friend in no uncertain terms that if she didn't want to use it, regardless of how nice and alluring a decidedly feminine fragrance might make her smell, there was nobody who was going to force her to use it.

John just as easily defused Mike's qualms concerning those cascading honey blonde tresses of hers. "I'll grant you that I don't know any more about women's hair styles and trends than you do, Mikey. But, come on! Get real here! I mean, it's not like you haven't had long hair before this! Shit, man! I remember you used to wear it in a ponytail for four - No! - make that five years! Hell, you only had it short for what - the last year and a half? Besides, if I'm not mistaken, I believe that there are low maintenance hairstyles for women, you know, that don't require a lot of upkeep. But, hell, Mikey! The way I see it, if you think your hair is going to be a problem, you can always get it all chopped off! Fact is, you can go with the bald look for all I care!"

Then, having addressed and subsequently eliminated pretty much all of the qualms and apprehensions that had initially come to her mind, Mike, who was feeling rather foolish right about then, figured it was time to put John on the spot. "Okay! It seems that I've gone and shot my wad. So, now it's your turn. Let's hear some of the things that you think I should be concerned about when it comes to me and my making the decision on whether or not I can cope with living out the rest of my life as a woman."

"Well. it seems that I was thinking along a whole 'nother direction than you were."

"How so?" Mike quizzically urged.

"Well. if it were my decision to make - And, I've got to be honest and up front with you, and tell you that I'm sure glad it isn't - I would be more than a little apprehensive about stuff like periods, PMS, yeast infections, menopause, breast cancer, not to mention, the very real possibility of getting pregnant, and having a baby, or perhaps, several babies and then, turn around and have to raise those children that you gave birth to, and other such sundry stuff like that."

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