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Woman Cross Dresses for Power & Sex

Of course, her firm, C cup breasts, nearly impossible to hide, unless tightly bound and flattened against her chest, her blue eye makeup, long eye lashes, and blush rouge, her full lips colored with ruby, red lipstick, and her long, straight, blonde, hair declared that she's a sheep in wolf's clothes. Only, she was no sheep. In the way that the wolf never looked like a sheep, looking very much like a woman, even when dressed as a man, looking so much like one of Prince's entourage, back in the day, she was, indeed, the female version of Boy George. Oddly enough, as if she wore a uniform that equally attracted and appealed to both sexes, as well as all sexual orientations, whether heterosexual, bi-sexual, gay, lesbian, transsexual, transgender, and/or cross dresser, the uniqueness of how she so provocatively dressed was arousing not only to men but also to women.

Finally, in the way of Lady Gaga on steroids, no longer tortured and confused by her need to dress as a man, not wanting to be classed as one sex or the other, she understood how dressing as a man relieved her of her defined stamp that she was a heterosexual female, albeit a beautiful, heterosexual female, dressed as a man. Now, firmly planted somewhere in between, if only by her manly attire, with her physical transformation nearly complete, she left people scratching their heads, while wondering, is she straight, bi-sexual, lesbian, transsexual, transgender, or just a male impersonator?

As if demonstrating her personal dawning of a new age of Aquarius, no longer defined by just one word, woman, she was someone that begged a redefinition. Maybe ahead of her time, whether men or women, everyone would dress the same, as they do in North Korea and in George Orwell's 1984 world. The female world, as she knew it, ended, once she tied a full Windsor knot in her necktie and pulled up boxer shorts, instead of panties.

To Sarah, her alter ego Robert wasn't a cross dresser. Cross dressing as a man wasn't just for play or part of a sexual fetish, cross dressing as a man was serious business that stemmed from the love lost, when her father died.

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