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I pulled a chair over to the window and watched the hustle and bustle of the city below. I lit the joint and inhaled the smoke that would put me in a different reality for a couple of hours. I smoked half and was starting to feel the effects. So, I set it in the ashtray, grabbed a black suit coat and my purse and stepped out the door to a night of possibilities.
Antonio saw me as I stepped out of the elevator and smiled. I gave him a little wave and he winked back. As if not in any hurry I moved in his direction. He didn't seem too busy so I asked him, "Busy tonight?"
"Earlier I was, but it's kind of dead now, I think we're all booked up." He then stepped back and gave me the once over. "You're looking pretty hot tonight, big plans?"
"Not really, I was hoping that we could have another drink when you get off."
"Well sure, I'd like that. I get off in twenty minutes."
"I remember. Same place?"
I smiled my sweetest smile and said, "Okay, I'll head on over."
"See you there. Now I've got to pretend I'm busy." He gestured to his boss that had just returned to the front desk.
I shook my head that I understood and said louder than usual, "Well thank you very much, you've been a big help." I headed for the door and passing by the front desk, I said, "Hang on to that guy, he really knows his stuff," and kept walking.
As I crossed the street somebody honked their horn. Being this is New York, I wasn't sure it was for me, but I'll take it anyway. There was a group of people in the back where we had sat before, so I took a seat at the bar and ordered a Harvey Wallbanger. I was still high from the pot and watched the group in the back with some interest while I sipped my drink. I gathered that it was one of the guys birthday because he was opening presents that were mostly gag gifts. They were loud and having a good time.
I sipped on the straw sticking out of my glass, thinking that Antonio would be here in ten minutes gave me a shiver of excitement. I told myself that I would tell Antonio my secret and let the chips fall where they may. I was really hoping that he was the understanding man he appeared to be. Again I got that nervous shiver. I needed some more courage and ordered another drink.

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