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The wonderful adventures of miss K: Down by the river...

"Mine's Kayla, and this short little horn dog over
there is Tracy. And thanks for the compliment. I did
pay a lot of money for this body."

"And I see it's worth every penny," Kim said, her
light eyes mentally undressing Miss K. "Listen, I'm
bored, and you said you like to play, right?"

"Sure," Miss K said before she stopped and turned to
face Kim, her thrusting breasts at Kim's eye level.
"Where do you wanna play?"

"How about my place. You guys can follow me back

"Sure, let's go do this. Ready to go do this, Trace?"

"Yeah," Tracy replied with mock exhaustion. "Another
day, another fuck. You're insatiable, K!"

"And you love it, my sweet slut!" Miss K said before
grabbing Tracy's ass with her hands and giving her a
nice, strong French kiss. Playfully giving her a
smack on the ass, Miss K followed Kim back to the
parking lot, highly anticipating even more sex. "I
wonder how a butch like that is going to react to me
having a dick," Miss K thought to herself. "Oh well.
Another day, another fuck."


Miss K and Tracy hopped into their SUV and trailed Kim
to her place, a 15 minute drive away. Once Kim pulled
up in front of her house, Miss K parked the SUV behind
Kim's car, then jumped out to meet Kim on the
sidewalk. With Tracy following, Miss K walked up to
Kim on the steps as she opened up the door to her
apartment building. She quickly opened the door, then
walked into the apartment after Kim had unlocked her
door. They stepped into the sunny living room, the
sunlight streaming through the curtains into the
whitewashed room. It was furnished very simply, with
a leather couch by the window and a large
entertainment center with a big screen TV, stereo and
a Playstation 2. Miss K about to walk over to see
what kind of video games her new friend had when Kim
walked in front of her and interrupted her thoughts.

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