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The Invitation Part 4

Jack smiled at her as she screwed her face up in reaction to the taste
of the Dove bar. "Good idea."

He turned the water back on and selected the shower attachment, stepping
under the stream of warm water. Sally leaned over and pulled the plug out
of the bath, and then turned away and picked up another bottle and a big
white fluffy towel.

Jack switched off the shower and she handed the towel to him.

"Thanks. What's that?" he asked, indicating the bottle.

"Body moisturiser," replied Sally. "It will make your skin nice and
soft. Smells pretty good too."

Sally watched as Jack dried himself then, without another word, she
began to rub he moisturiser into his skin. She started with his neck and
then, once again turning him this way and that worked her way methodically
all over Jacks body, finishing with this genitals which received more than
their fair share of attention and his bum which was once again penetrated
by her finger.

"You're done. I've laid some clothes out on the bed, OK?"

"You've what? What are you, my mother?" Jack joked. "I'm sure that I
can manage to get some clothes out of the drawer!"

"I'm sure you can, sweetie, but maybe not the ones I want you to wear."
She kissed him lightly on the lips. "Now go and get dressed."

As Jack waked passed she smacked his bum, making him yelp. He quickly
quit the bathroom and made his way down the landing to their bedroom, where
he stopped dead just inside the door. Sally had said that she had laid
clothes out for him, but all that was on the bed was a bra, a suspender
belt, a pair of black stockings and the shoes that they had bought the
previous day. That was some of the stuff for the party later on, but
certainly not what he was going to wear for the rest of the day. After
all, the party was still hours away.

"Where are these clothes then?" Jack shouted over his shoulder.

"On the bed, like I said sweetheart."

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