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Teacher Student Confidentiality

Not wanting to disappoint her fans Cat began to thrust into the limp Samantha and Samantha simply flopped about like a rag doll to hype up on drugs and pleasure to feel anything significant.
“This is what I like to call the standing fuck.” Cat explained “It provides a great view if you have an audience or easy access if you want to slip to hotdogs in the same bun if you get me drift.”
After thrusting a few more times Cat laid the still dazed, scratch that, the fucked up Samantha on the surprisingly dry grass in front of the girls with her face against the turf and her ass in the air.
“This is traditionally called the doggy style position, because of its appearance to dog mating.” Cat taught as she fucked Samantha’s pussy.
“This one you have to be careful, because it’s a 50-50 chance your lover will like anal.” Cat warned “Make sure to have plenty of lube, which I’m using her pussy juices for and patience to slowly let your partner adjust to the sudden intrusion which I don’t have.”
Cat rammed Samantha in her ass shaking her out of her revere and into real life, where she was getting fucked by her teacher as 5 other girls masturbated watching her. Samantha put all her strength into saying something intelligent and witty to totally throw the situation to the dogs, but due to the fact her ass was being mauled all she managed was a grunt satisfied moan and sticking her tongue out like a thirsty dog.

“Alright I’ll think I’ll show you one more position before I head back inside girls.” Cat said flipping Samantha over helping her to her sitting position. “This is called the tit-job and it’s where you place your cock in a girl’s tit and allow her to move her it’s up and down on your staff. If she is talented enough she’ll lick the head of your cock as it comes out of her cleavage and if you’re long enough she can even give you a blowjob while she does it.”

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