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Susan's First Time Part 2: Susan takes four

Well Susan had done it she would never be Stan again. She called her uncle and asked him to come to her up town apartment. Before she could give him the address, he told her he already knew where it was. That had been creepy and scared her.

His only remark when she let him in was, "you look lovely. I knew you were going to do this. I just didn't know when.

" She looked at him aghast. "How could have possible known? I've been very careful."

"You had a second cousin who did the same thing. You gave all the same signals he did so I've had people watching you. Sadly, she didn't have your money. Someone raped and murdered her/him a few weeks after she came out. The police never solved the crime." He said grimly, "I don't think they even cared." He pulled some papers out of his brief case and laid them on the table. "Study these and let me know what you think. You're a good enough lawyer to understand them."

Susan thumbed through them for a few minutes. "I'm worth a lot more than I thought," she said, "you and the rest of the family will never want for anything under this arrangement. And I'll have all the funds I could possibly need...thank you Uncle Brad."

"At the rate our companies are growing." Brad said. "We all will be worth several hundred more million in a few years. I'll set up proxies for you if you like."

Susan shook her head. "I'll show up at a meeting if I have to Uncle. The board can shit in their collective pants if they don't like the way I look."

"That works for me, "Bart said with a grin, "those stodgy bastards need to be shaken up now and then. I'll leave the paper work for you to go over in detail. Check with me Monday for any changes you want to make."

Susan was relaxing drinking a little wine on the balcony an hour or so later when the maid stuck her head out of the sliding glass door.

"All finished Ma'am." She said, "Is it Ok to take the rest of the day off?"

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