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Southern Hospitality Ch. 02

Laura let out a brighter laugh and grinned, "...But I'm the one with the car... That's fine hun, just get here for six and we'll go from there, okay?..."
He nodded, smiling a little sheepishly, "Okay..." he leaned up and kissed her on the lips, letting it linger for a few long moments in the heat of the water before pulling away, biting his lip naughtily as he looked her over one last time before stepped out of the unit and wrapping himself in a towel.
She stood in the shower, one hand resting on her hip, the other across her stomach as the water cascaded over her back, enjoying, as she knew she always would, the view of his curvy figure in the tightness of the towel, the outline dangerously alluring, though, spent as she was now, her cock remained subdued.
He gave her one last parting smile as he padded barefoot from the bathroom, shutting the door behind him and leaving her to herself once more.
Alone to herself Laura leant back against the shower wall, feeling all of her energy drained from her and once more feeling the weight of her years and the gap that had grown between her youth and where she was now. She was healthy and not old by any standard but keeping up with a horny teen in his prime who preferred, it seemed, to be the passive bottom when it came to lovemaking was taking it's toll on her.
She relaxed in the stream of the water, letting the heat penetrate her muscles and bring some form of rejuvenation to her, even if it was just a minor one. She heard the familiar noises of her house as she relaxed, could hear Ash going to her room, likely to dry and dress and she couldn't help but wonder what he was thinking, though she felt assured now he wouldn't be regretting his night with her.
Ash made his way, dripping, back to her room and towelled himself off, feeling the tiredness of his muscles already begin to ebb away as he dried, pulling on his clothes from the day before and pulling out his smartphone from his trouser pocket for the first time, it felt like, in forever. For someone who was never away from electronics a night and a morning hadn't gone unnoticed. The group chat he shared with his female friends was awash with speculation.

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