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My Life as a Shemale Part9

"OMG girl, I can't believe how you changed over the Summer! All the boys are noticing too". The whole conversation was held in a conspiratorial hush around the lunch table and I thought it was a little funny how excited they were. The other girl chimed in, "You are going to get so much sex this year, I am totally jealous". I just laughed, "I don't need sex, I need to study this year!". They just looked at me like I was k**ding, "Look at you Danielle, You have boobs, you look great and you're already smart, I mean doing well in your classes. Why wouldn't you?". I just thought about it for a moment and shrugged, "Just not that important to me". They withdrew from the table with little snickers.

The school nurse came to my table, "Hi I am Nurse Mindigan, you are Danielle VanDegut?". I just nodded, my worst fear was just about to become a reality. She handed me a note, "I need to do your yearly health exam". I looked over the note, "Ok, I will be there". I was trying to buy some time, never would I show up there, I needed to get out of here and call Tim. She stood there, "Actually Danielle, I thought you would just come with me now, get it over with and get you back to class in time". My whole body tried to run but I felt like I had a ton of rocks in my shoes, "But it's still lunch and I need to make a call". She stretched her hand out, "That can wait, we need to get going, I have a lot of other students to see - now". I got up and grabbed my book bag. We walked through the halls and every step I took seemed to take me to the end of what could have been a terrific first day. We arrived at the nurses station and she let me in to the exam room, I sat down on the table, "Please undress, we will just do a preliminary and get this questionnaire filled out". I took the clip board and filled in my name, under sex I marked 'female' of course, it had become second nature by now. After I completed the last entry, I removed my dress and leaving on my special panties and bra. I waited sitting on the table until she returned.

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