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My dream pt 2

I was barely able to stay on my knees through out my orgasm. As I started to soften I eased out of Sydney's ass and fell onto the bed next to Sydney. She was panting like she had just run a marathon and she was beyond reasonable thought for the moment.

When our breathing had returned to normal Sydney rolled over and kissed me on the cheek before she said, "You are a wonderful lover."

"So are you my love so are you" I told her as I pulled her into my arms. The next thing I knew it was morning.

When I woke the room was filled with light so I knew it was past mid morning. Sydney's side of the bed was empty and there was a note on her pillow. It told me that she took my truck and was going home to pack up some more of her things and she should be back by noon.

I noticed that the bedroom had been picked up, as there were no clothes lying about. When I went into the bathroom I saw that it too had been cleaned. I don't know what time she had gotten up but she had done quite a bit before she left. When I finally looked at a clock I saw it was already eleven thirty.

Since she was going to be back home shortly I was going to take a shower, but I noticed that on the vanity in the bathroom was the rubber enema bag that she had used on me the day before.

At first I wasn't going to clean myself but I knew Sydney might want to fuck me today seeing she didn't yesterday. I wanted it to, but I wasn't going to ask for it just yet. I mean I was the man in this relationship and I didn't feel I should be asking for something that was so definitely female. I know it was a strange reason but it was the only one I had. So since I might be on the receiving end today I cleaned myself out, just in case.

After I was clean I shaved and showered I put on a pair of shorts a tee shirt before going into the kitchen to make a pot of coffee. I noticed that Sydney had cleaned the kitchen before she left and the dishwasher had been filled and run. I had started the coffee maker and was just starting to empty the dishwasher when I heard the truck drive up outside.

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