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Masturbation fantasies 2: Looking for Amanda

Amanda smirked mischievously “Did we get intimate?”
William blushed “Well...yes, I suppose we really did” He laughed nervously, soon followed by Amanda's joyfully chuckling. He felt his tension go away, like she worked some magic. Her simple presence was now starting to make him feel energized.
She took a sip from her cocktail, and then while looking him in the eyes said “You're so sweet, William, most guys do their thing and don't even say thanks. But you're not a creepy stalker are you?”
He panicked a bit “No I swear, I'am not...I...don't usually do this kind of things...”
She put her free hand on his arm, reassuring him with her touch “I'm teasing you. Why don't you take a seat and tell me something about you?”
He sat, ordered a cocktail with an Italian name and then tried to come up with something to talk about.

He really lost track of time. She was incredibly skilled at making others talk about them while remaining reserved, as he basically recounted to her half his life while he only learned that she was born in Santo Domingo. He barely noticed that there were less and less people around them as they got nearer to the club's closing hour. At some point Amanda interrupted him: “It's been great fun talking to you, but now I need to go home”.
Emboldened by the alcohol inside him he asked “Uh, can I accompany you?.”
She smiled “You really go straight to the point don't you?”
“It's not like that!” he said, even if it was totally like that.
She laughed at his reaction “I appreciate the offer but I need to take a cab, I live with a friend up in the hills.” She waited a bit, looking at his disappointed face. “Say...why don't you pick me up with your car two nights from now, then I can show you where I live”
Now, the night was a total victory “I would love to” Will answered without any hesitation.
“That's great. You can also accompany to the exit now, would you?” She got up, soon followed by William, and after he paid for their drinks they got ready to get out of the club.

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