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Fixing her computer

We lay there like that, breathing hard, and I felt her penis slowly soften and shrink, but it stayed in my butt. We stayed like that for a while, and I think one or both of us may have dozed a bit. I'd just been fucked, had my ass used by a gorgeous "woman" for her selfish pleasure. It was the most beautiful feeling I had ever felt!! I could have lay there forever with her on top of me and her cock in my ass and her boobs mashed onto my back. I wanted to do it again, and often. I wanted to be Shandra's sex doll.

Suddenly she suddenly said, "Oh shit, what time is it? I have to get to my yoga class!" She pulled out of me and went into the bathroom. When she came out she was dressed again, and said to me, "Bathroom's in there, sweetie. Get cleaned up and dressed quickly, ok? I don't want to be late. How much do I owe you?"

I was puzzled. She said, "For the computer repair, silly!" I had completely forgotten about that! I was still reeling with bliss from the experience, and all I could say was "Uh..." She smiled and said "Don't worry about it now; you can give me the bill when you come next week." I said, "Huh? Next week?"

Shandra replied, "You fixed the PC, but I'm sure I'll need you to come back every weekend for tune-ups and stuff, so it doesn't crash again." She gave me an evil grin, and added "And don't forget, you're my bitch now. You're my fuck-toy and I'm going to take good care of you. Now get dressed and get the hell out of here so I can go to the yoga class.

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