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First Night Nerves

I shook my head, embarrassed.


Another shake of my head.

"Do you want to?"

My turn to pause. A quick nod and a smile.

"Are you really sure?"

Another nod. Barry suddenly smiled and his body lost its tension.

"Well my love we will have to take it very easy. We'll try it another, easier way." His mouth touched my ear as he whispered "Roll over. Get on all fours."

I did as he said. I felt vulnerable but excited. Barry's soft, warm voice was reassuring as he said:

"Now rest your head on the pillow for a bit." I realised that, in doing this, I was leaving my bottom sticking up in the air before him, my cheeks parted and my anus fully accessible to him. My stomach churned but I did as he asked.

"Relax Tina. Trust me." Barry whispered. I closed my eyes and tied to breathe more steadily.

I felt a strange wet feeling between my buttocks and realised Barry had poured some lubrication onto my anus. His warm, rough palm began to massage it into my skin and I felt warm. Then suddenly the tip of one finger just broke slightly into the tight grip of my sphincter. I felt my body react, trying to push him out, but he tried gently again and again until what at first felt like the size of a cucumber, but which was in fact only the tip of one finger up to the first knuckle joint, was inside me. He turned his finger around, working the lubrication into my passage. I tried to relax but my stomach was tight and there was a lump in my throat.

His finger still within me, more lubrication was poured onto my cleft and I felt a sudden shock as Barry worked his finger deeper into my bottom. He talked softly as he did so, his voice comforting and reassuring.

"Just going a little deeper now. Just a little deeper. There! One finger all the way in. You are a real virgin, Tina, aren't you?"

I felt at once exposed and vulnerable, but incredibly aroused at the same time. Barry turned his finger around inside me once again. It felt wet and huge and I felt an urge to push against it. I pressed backwards.

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