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Buffy the Shemale Vampire Slayer Part 9

Buffy had emerged, at last, from the cavernous planet-pussy awash in semen, only to find herself in a landscape filled with phallic plants. The strange stalks could elongate instantly, swelling and stiffening to whatever dimensions were needed to reach and penetrate their prey-and, Buffy realized, "prey" described her status perfectly. As the Slayer, she was not used to being a victim, and her newfound role did not suit her, not one bit!

She kicked savagely at the nearest prick-plants, flailed at others that sprang to within inches of her face, and clawed at still others that shoved insistently between her cunt lips or jabbed at her asshole. As soon as she kicked or knocked aside one of the fleshly tentacles, half a dozen others leaped up in its place. She was surrounded by more cocks than the star of a bukkake film. Although none had penetrated her-yet-many spurted, dribbled, or oozed thick, white semen. Buffy had swum in enough male seed for one day-or an eternity-and she had no desire to be filled and covered with more of the same.

She fought valiantly, even desperately, using every technique, strategy, trick, and tactic with which her instinct and training had equipped her. She jabbed, feinted, kicked, leaped, somersaulted, punched, elbowed, chopped, even bit-but it was no use; there were thousands of the penis-plants and, alas, only one Slayer. Against such odds, not even Buffy could hope to win.

If she couldn't fight, she told herself, all that was left was flight. Buffy was strong. She had amazing stamina. She was a hell of a runner. Maybe she could get away from the hundreds and hundreds of thrashing, undulating penises that sought to penetrate her every orifice. Scanning the forest of phallic plants, Buffy charted a course through her attackers, and rushed past the writhing stalks, hoping against hope that she'd make it through the gauntlet of pricks.

She'd gone no more than a dozen yards before she tripped over one of the penises and fell headlong to the ground.

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