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Brazilian Discovery Chapter 3

- When you'll wear your corset, you won't be able to eat anything : sip orange juice or sugared coffee not to starve, drink a lot and try to lie down on a settee, a bed or anything as often as possible to facilitate the blood circulation. This corset is so tight that I advise you not to wear it two days in a row : two days per week would be quite good! For the other days, I may propose you a less demanding girdle or a waist cincher. I have a very beautiful one made with the finest kidskin...

When the corset was fully closed, Joan felt she was locked in a vice, completely unable to move. The corset maker gently told her it was a quite normal reaction : her body would soon mould itself in the constricted space it had been given. For the next weeks, it was important to keep wearing it two times a week for a minimum of eight hours. She took a tape measure to show Joan and Barbara how much her waist had been cinched ; from two feet and ten inches, it was now reduced to two feet and five inches...

- If you wear it regularly, Joan, I am sure we could reach the two feet barrier!

Barbara whispered to Joan's ear :

- Wouldn't Mr Gupta love to encircle your waist with his two hands? He would be proud of you!

- Certainly, Barbara!

But Joan was at this moment imagining Mr Gupta showing off Susan sporting the swollen belly of a eight months pregnant woman along with Joan with her new wasp like waist! Their boss would certainly enjoy it! That was impossible : even if he had already impregnated Susan, She would deliver in nine months and Mr Gupta would leave her some time to recover! Joan just feared that he would decide to knock Susan up again just before Joan's return! An ultimate humiliation for him : he could always pretend the first baby had been conceived when he was about to leave but not the second one!

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