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Blind Date

He looked down at her, small and beautiful against his frame, a smirk touching his lips as he noticed something, "With a blush like that you'll warm up in no time."
He blushed brighter and nudged him in the ribs, drawing a laugh from him that made her smile, "I just didn't think I'd get this lucky with you." she admitted, another laugh rising from him.
"I'm pretty sure that's my line." he said, mirth in his voice as he gave her a soft little squeeze.
She unfolded her arms and wrapped them lightly around his waist, "I really, really enjoyed tonight Anthony." she said, her voice still soft taking more of a serious tone.
"Me too, Claire. I had no idea what Anne had planned for me but, I think I owe her a box of chocolates or something for persuading me into this." he grinned.
She smiled brightly and pressed her head lightly to his chest, holding him as he held her.
The Uber arrived and they climbed into the back, their driver, an Asian man who greeted them pleasantly didn't engage them in conversation, assuming, correctly, that the two lovebirds would like to talk amongst themselves.
They rode in silence for a few moments, content in each other's company before Anthony spoke, "So... What do you want to do for our second date?" he asked, certain that they both wanted a repeat.
"Maybe some drinks... Maybe a movie?" she replied, looking up at him with a bright but sly smile.
"That would be nice." he smiled, "I know a couple of good spots we could go for a drink, and there's a few nice films out at the moment, we could maybe go to the cinema on Sunday? Get a couple of drinks together afterwards?"
She paused, pursing her lips as if thinking it over before making a decision, "I mean, we could do that. But I've got a perfectly good Netflix account and wine cabinet at mine... Tonight, if you want."
Anthony opened his mouth in surprise and looked at her before turning his attention to the driver in the rear view mirror. The man looked at him with a sort of, 'what the hell are you looking at me for, are you an idiot? Look at her,' expression that left him certain that there was no other answer to that question, coming from a woman of Claire's calibre other than the one he was about to give.

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