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Andy Becomes Mandy

As Cheryl slumped forward and freed Andy I could see his face was wet and sticky, covered in a mix of Cheryl's prolific juices and his own creamy white cum. I was getting really horny now myself, and could feel my outer lips getting moist and engorged. I tried to put this aside, smiled at Andy and asked how he found this new experience.

"I was caught by surprise and didn't really have time to think about what was happening, and I didn't expect to enjoy it at all. But the sound and movement from Cheryl, the taste of her sexy juices mixed in with my own was surprisingly erotic and I really got into it. I see Cheryl did too.... but I think I will need a clean before we go out!"

He was absolutely right, and although I found it a highly erotic sight we would indeed have to clean off the trickling white juice before we applied his evening make-up. Cheryl had now recovered and was making herself presentable as we led Andy to the bedroom where we had laid out the clothes we needed him to wear to match as closely as we could to Cheryl's outfit. Andy's face blanched when we walked in.

"You are really serious about this? You honestly think I am going to go out dressed like this? I,.. well, we.. just .. how... are you...," he burbled, finally running out of objections as we reached the clothing. I led him past and into the bathroom, giving him time to clean up before we got to work. Whilst he did I snuck a quick hug with Cheryl, as I hadn't had any opportunity to deal with my own frustrations. I knew I was moist and ready for anything, but I wanted to let the feeling build. I knew that when my first climax came it would be well worth the wait but I did want to keep my juices flowing so I slipped my tongue between Cheryl's ruby red lips.

As we kissed I kneaded her tight cheeks through the silky fabric of her skirt, and she got the message straight away. Her hands finally began to roam around my own small butt, slipping under the short skirt and sliding lightly over the nylon covered flesh. Just as I felt her begin to reach for the top of my pantyhose we heard Andy finish up in the bathroom. As we separated we grinned at how easily the plan was working out.

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