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Alexis Chapter 5

"You're not on the pill?" the other girl asks. "You could have just stopped it that way."

"No, I usually just let the guy pull out and suck him off or something," the first girl says. "My mom and dad would kill me if I was on the pill."

I look over at the two girls. They're probably a grade or two younger than me. Both of them have really nice bodies, and they're showing them off with slinky little dresses that barely cover their tits and asses. Both of them are fixing their make-up as well, and before long, they notice that I'm looking at them. The first girl glances over at me, and I gasp. My heart literally stops.

This girl who's looking at me, the girl who had just been talking about her period and how she sucks guys off…it's my sister Cara.

I don't know what to say. Does she recognize me? No. There's no way she can recognize me. I decide to play it cool and I smile at her, brushing my bangs to the side.

"Nice dress," Cara says. She's eyeing me up and down and I can tell that she's sizing me up; she's checking me out and secretly judging me in her head. To my relief, she smiles at me.

"Thanks!" I say. "I like yours too!"

For the first time, I actually notice just how gorgeous my sister is. Her body is tone and her frame tiny. She's probably about 5'7, with shoulder length brown hair and piercing blue eyes. I find that I'm actually a little jealous of her tan, but there's really nothing I can do about it for now. Her tits are average for her age, a 34b, and she's proudly displaying them; they're practically bursting out of the front of her shimmery silver halter dress.

I turn back to my purse and pull out the birth control pills. I pop one out and put it in my mouth, swallowing it.

"Oh, so now I'm the only fucking girl here who isn't on the pill!" Cara shouts. She's obviously a little drunk. I smile at her.

"They're not hard to get hun, you just need to go to the clinic, and your parents don't even have to know." What was I doing? I was just encouraging my little sister to have sex without a condom!

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