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A Revenge Fuck Part 3

"Fuck you." It was an old thing between us. He had been asking me to bleach my hair. "Black men like blonds!" he kept saying. I told him that I would bleach my hair on our wedding day, but we still had this on going argument about it.

I put one of his Tu Pac T's on and grabbed my purse and his keys. The Lexus drove so much better than my ratty dodge. I called Larry from the drive way.


"Hey you... It's me."

"Who is me?"

I laughed, "Let me clue you in... you are paying for this call by all the work you do for my man."

There was silence. "Um... how did you... why did you... uh what do you want?"

I laughed, "Are you really so clean?"

"Look, I don't want to cause any trouble between you two... You are going to be married and..."

"Fuck that... I just want a little fun, and you seem like a pretty fun guy. All that pent up energy and stress just waiting to unleash."

"I don't have any stress."

"When's the last time you got laid Larry?"

Silence. "Are you driving somewhere?"

"I am alone... in a brand new white Lexus... lots of room in here.... where are you at?"

"Home... getting ready for bed."

"Do you want some company?"

"NO... I mean no... I am really tired."

"Live a little Larry... when's the last time you came on a chic?"

"I think this call is breaking up."

"Good night Larry."

"Goodnight.. miss..."

I had laid it on too thick. It scared him away, damn-it men were more difficult than I remembered being!

The next day went better. I dressed down with a sun dress and jumpers my hair I wore in a pony tale and large wooden ear rings dangled from my ears. A pearl and wood carved necklace wrapped my neck and I tried not to strut so much, but played the innocent bubbly, filled with energy excited fiance one would expect a girl to be. I brought Derek his lunch. He was a little disappointed at how I was dressed but too busy to comment on it. "I wanted to pick out the cake today honey."

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