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Two For One

Matt looked relieved. "Thanks."

"A girl wants to look her best when she's watching a horror movie and holding onto her man for dear life."

The thought of Don-Donna clutching him tightly in the dark made Matt's cock swell again. Dating a shemale was going to give him many more erections, he thought happily. After all, he would be getting two genders for one, and he was aroused by both. With a transsexual lover, he'd be getting the best of both worlds, that of the male's and that of the female's. Yes, Providence was smiling upon him, for sure!

"I'll be just a minute," Don said.

True to his word, a minute later, Donna appeared, lovelier than ever. She draped her dainty hand over Matt's forearm, and Matt escorted her across the threshold, down the steps of her front stoop, past the junipers that lined her sidewalk, and to his car, opening the passenger door for her, before climbing behind the steering wheel and starting the engine. As they drove to the movie theater, Donna put her hand on Matt's thigh, caressing his leg through his slacks, and Matt's cock bulged.

"I'm glad we found one another," Donna said.

"Me, too," Matt agreed. He muttered a silent prayer of thanks to God, whose providence he appreciated more than he could ever say.

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