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Teacher Student Confidentiality

“Looks like you girls need a ride, you could ride with me if you want” She offered.
“Oh you’re a life saver Ms. Cat” Amy said for the group as they picked up their scattered stuff from around the area.
When Amy had finally been assured that she had left her lipstick in her locker they walked through the school and out to the faculty parking lot in the back. Catherine told them to wait at the doors and rushed off into the rain which had gotten so fierce that the rain drops felt like sharp stings when they hit and you couldn’t see a full 5 feet through it.
After a few minutes Cat pulled up beside the doors in her purple, but pink streaked Ferrari. Needless to say the three girl’s jaws dropped when Cat rolled down the windows and expertly tossed her long blonde hair.
“You girls getting in or what?” she asked
After a scramble and a brief fight between Tiffany and Amy over who got the front seat, the girls were situated, with Amy in the front seat. As soon as the last seat-belt clicked Cat gunned it out the school parking lot and onto the near empty main road.
“So how can you afford a car like this with a teacher’s salary Ms. Walker?” Tiffany asked “Did you steal it?”
“Hardly” she replied “My dad was a wealthy business owner and he gave me a third of his money in his will.”

“Cool” Lily commented absently mindedly from her book and as Tiffany turned to her to show her something at waist height so Cat couldn’t see.
“Sooo” Amy began brushing stray hair out her face and turning to her teacher “while we are here I wanted to ask you if there is anything I can do to bring my grade up in your class?”
While she asked she placed her hand on Cat’s right leg and started moving it up and down creating goose bumps along Cat’s calf.
“I’m sure I could” Cat replied her tone completely calm which unnerved Amy enough to remove her hand “but don’t you have the same period as Samantha? I’m sure she would be more than willing to tutor you; oh wow speaking of Samantha there she is right there.”

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