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Herbert BBC

Not having an erection that is reliable and firm might seem annoying, but surprisingly is quite thrilling. When his dick becomes soft, he keeps on fucking and never slips out. He has more dick inside you when he is soft than most guys have when they are hard. If his dick becomes flaccid, it will be hard in another minute.

After having fucked me for over two hours, Herbert said he had to use the bathroom. As he left the room, I repositioned myself face down on the bed with my legs over the edge. I decided my position would not be high enough, so I placed pillows under my tummy. I did not know if he would find my new positioning pleasing, but when he returned, he just popped his dick inside me and resumed fucking.

I was far more comfortable and soon rewarded with three thrilling, minute-long orgasms. With no leverage for my feet or legs, all I could do was lay there and be fucked. Herbert must have noticed the same thing because he stopped within a quarter-hour. I asked if he would like to get on the bed, and he agreed. I got in the middle of the bed with a big pile of pillows under my body and my knees forward, making a kind of M pattern.

My new position freed me to maneuver, so I could now move as wildly as I liked. Herbert got on his knees between my feet, with them barely touching his ankles, and popped his dick back inside me. I was now moving my hips quite violently in perfect synchronization with Herbert. My next orgasm was astounding and lasted continuously for three minutes or more. For a guy who had never given me an orgasm, the ten he gave me put him in my book of records.

Herbert stretched his legs out behind him and then raised slightly on his knees. My back now held most of the weight of his abdomen, pressing my body down into the pillow. I could no longer move my hips or even my legs. He fucked me pretty hard in this position, shoving me into my pile of pillows with each thrust of his cock. I had one more quick orgasm before he pulled his dick out of me.

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