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Forced Feminisation

At last a small glimmer of hope came with His very question showing He was actually interested.


i looked back from Him to the timer..then back..

"After taxes it would be at least a thousand a month." i said as the timer kept goin..

He smiled.." So my new bitch comes with benefits...hmmm...let me think about it."

Staring back from Him to the screen..i stammered "M..M..Master.the have to stop it or i will loose my career and it will all be over.please!!"

"Shut up bitch.I'm thinking.." He shoved the gag back in place and buckled it tight. "one more word and I'll send it shut the fuck up!"

i didn't dare make a sound.

And there it last plea..I watched the numbers click down..20.19..18.17..

There was nothing I could do but wait..hope.and pray he would take it.








I couldn't believe it was about to happen..i strained againse my cuffs and screamed through my gag...mmmmmpHHHHHHHH!!"




Everything stood still as the timer stopped.


He yanked up on my chain with a smile on His face.."your lucky boi...I didn't really send it yet..but I will if you fail to convince me your worthy of serving me.if you don't I kick your ass out and send it to every account on the fucking web!. We will talk about your proposition afterward. Now, get your ass in the shower and shave every hair on that body from the neck've got 15 minutes!"

i crawled down the hall to get busy shaving. i was helpless! i still had to play my part..i couldn't figure out how to get the edge. He had me cornered!

i quickly shaved as best i could when i came out i found a bright pink nightie , handcuffs and 5 inch heels along with a cosmetic case. There was a note which read "if you intend to serve then you'll do it right..". The thought really turned me on, but the idea if being in the presence of a gay Master doing this scared the shit out of me! But it was too late now..i had no choice. i had to play this right if i was to ever get a chance to get out of this!

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