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Blame Abba Chapter 4

"Hello Harry, let me introduce you. This is my friend Donna. And this is my boss, Harry."

I decided to do Jeff even more good.

"Jeff, darling, you didn't tell me your boss was such a gorgeous hunk. Will you get me a drink?" I asked and took Harry's arm. "Now Harry darling, come and tell me all about yourself."

He couldn't help it, I had him hooked too. We sat at the end of the bar, I looked him straight in the eyes and smiled widely.

"Are you married, Harry?"

"Well, yes I am," he stammered, rather taken aback. I decided to go on the attack straight away.

"Well then, I am surprised at you, chatting up a girl in a place like this. I suppose I should be flattered really. Do you find me attractive?" I asked playfully batting my lashes and rubbing my leg against his.

He was stammering like an idiot as my hand moved across his lap and ever so gently teased his solid maleness.

"I guess you do!" I laughed, slowly removing my hand from his crotch and trailing my long scarlet fingernail up his thigh. "Alas, there's nothing we can do about that tonight. Jeff has promised to give me a really good screwing later. Maybe another time, Harry my darling."

With that I leaned across and kissed him gently on the lips and smiled again, then I got up and went over towards Jeff and took his arm. He had been intercepted by another couple of friends, I just KNEW they were talking about me. I kissed him on the cheek and wrapped an arm round his waist, I felt him squeeze my arse.

I had several gins, chatted and flirted with maybe five or six other men, then realised it was getting late. We made our escape after Jeff called another taxi. It was while he was away phoning that Harry came over to me again and invited me to go to a hotel with him! I politely declined but felt flattered.

I persuaded Jeff that it would be better if we went to my house instead of his. I could pick up the car from the pub car park the next day and didn't really want to risk my license driving even the short distance from pub to home. The outing and the sexual thrill, and the flirting, had really turned us both on . As we entered the house I turned and kissed him - hard.

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