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A Future Society

With a scream Anna awoke, clutching the blanket on her bed to in her hands so tightly she nearly tore it into pieces.

Not just dreams, the little voice said. The voice of a young boy named Jason. Your life. The voice seemed farther than before. The Collar buzzed and vibrated on her neck, confusing her, sending her mind spinning. She didn't know what she was. You're Anna, she thought to herself.

"Am I?"

Who else would you be?

The little voice said nothing. Laying back, she gripped the blanket in her hand and wondered.

"Are you alright, Anna?" said a voice. Her door opened slightly, a thin figure coming inside. Her eyes adjusted to see Mistress Eve, a young woman of fair skin and red hair, the most beautiful Mistress Anna believed to be in the Society, standing in her usual work outfit of a brown business suit at the foot of her bed. Her hair was pulled back tight in a bun, a modest amount of makeup on her face. All Mistresses were there for business purposes only, but each was armed with a remote similar to the Madam's. Eve's remote hung like a gun in a holster at her waist.

"Just a dream," Anna said. Mistress Eve, no doubt watching from one of the many cameras, nodded like she understood. And in a way, she did. She and Anna often had conversations on the Society and the Collars affects on the young feminized men, always in hushed tones.

"Do you need anything? Water?"

"No, thank you."

"The cameras are off, Anna," Eve said, sitting on the edge of the bed and inching closer. Once, in a fit of lust Anna was not sure she caused, Eve had shut down the cameras for one other reason only. Her dick stirred as she remembered it.

"I don't know if that's a good idea, Eve..."

"I know. I just...I tire of watching you on camera. Of seeing you in the halls looking dejected. I've never seen a girl resist the effects of the Collar for so long. Even your friend Carla is almost under its spell."

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